Well my friends, it seems as if I have come full circle.
The only thing left for me to do while I wait to receive the voice over is to start the next module. Once I receive the audio file I will be able to add it to the presentation and upload it to the LMS. I’ll probably have a few technical difficulties because that is just the way my life rolls, but I learned some pretty new skills (and some patience) in this course that will help me through. As of right now, I should have the audio by December 20th and so I can hopefully have this module COMPLETELY done by Christmas.
After I finish the first module completely and enjoy some Christmas festivities, I am gonna keep my head down and work on this second module! I would really really really like to have the course done and ready to test launch by the end of January (but that might be wishful thinking).

So… since I am starting the second module I am back to the boring stuff. I already have most of the research done because I did it while researching the first module. I am thankful that past-Paige did the research. This Paige is exhausted from finishing the semester and would probably procrastinate.
That means this Paige has to start sorting the research and creating an outline! As of right now, this is what I have for the outline for the Communication module:
- Why is communication important in everyday life? In sports?
- What are the types of communication/communicators
- Which one are you?
- How can you identify what kind of communicator your athlete is?
- What does harmful communication look like?
- What can harmful communication do?
- How can we positively communicate with athletes?
- Language
- Why is the language you use important?
- How can it be harmful?
- How can this be harmful to people suffering with mental health issues?
- What are some harmful sayings?
- What can we say instead?
This outline might change once I am able to start organizing my research a little more, but that is okay! This module will likely change a million times over before I am done with it.
I am still using Google Docs for all of my research, writing, and planning because that is what is working best for me right now. I honestly do not have the time to fiddle around with new platforms, but I hope to do that over the winter break!
Thanks for reading,