Self Analysis: Looking for Normatives Narratives

Part 1

In our lives there are hidden everyday, they are embedded in the way we live, my chosen story was number three socioeconomic status. This is about a persons wealth or what they have, or what class they fall into, I am feel like a sterotypical white person, my family is no rich, but we also don’t go without things we need. In my story I was in downtown Toronto where you can really see the differences in class just walking down the street, it shows the true stereotype on the poor homeless and the rich people walking by and ignoring them. This is a quote from my story “This city made me realize how different and far apart the classes really are, I saw the high class and the very low class, and I realized I am somewhere in the middle, and very lucky to be where I am.” I also was a stereotypical person who didn’t stop to help I just kept walking scared of the homeless people living under the bridge.

This is a quote for a classmates story ” I may never have enough money to shop at fancy stores, but in no way do I feel bad for myself. I am already very lucky and grateful that I had enough money to travel across the word with my class and friends.” This is a very typical, they have way more than most, the ability to travel overseas but they still feel out of place they just want a little bit more. They feel that they should have more and the not having it makes them realize their place, not to high and not the low.

This last story is form another classmate “I would consider myself a middle class citizen, and I never realized how lucky I am to be living in the middle class until I saw how excited people got over things I and most other middle and upper class people take for granted.” She was on a trip to Costa Rica to deliver supples to an orphanage, to help these people get everyday items that we ahem here in Canada.

In all of these stories we are all privileged enough to be able to travel, we are all middle class people with in society. We lucky and the stereotypical “white” kids, we have more than we need and we are lucky to be where we are in the economic later.

Part 2 

“I lived part time and did not understand why living in different area of Regina meant I was seen different to my friends.” This is a quote taken from another student in the class, they lived a life then I did. They had to go through things like this that I did not experience, I understand bullying but I never received because of my family’s class or where I lived. Seeing the different status between kids is something we will all do, we look for differences between people. She defies the normative narrative by not having a lot, for changing the way the class defines us, she was said about living in the “hood” and not understanding.

The differences in who has money and who does not is something that people see, and we may jump to judgements on those people. They other student’s parents in this classmates stories thought becasue of where her dad lived that they would be unsafe at a birthday party.