Self Analysis: Looking for Normatives Narratives

Part 1

In our lives there are hidden everyday, they are embedded in the way we live, my chosen story was number three socioeconomic status. This is about a persons wealth or what they have, or what class they fall into, I am feel like a sterotypical white person, my family is no rich, but we also don’t go without things we need. In my story I was in downtown Toronto where you can really see the differences in class just walking down the street, it shows the true stereotype on the poor homeless and the rich people walking by and ignoring them. This is a quote from my story “This city made me realize how different and far apart the classes really are, I saw the high class and the very low class, and I realized I am somewhere in the middle, and very lucky to be where I am.” I also was a stereotypical person who didn’t stop to help I just kept walking scared of the homeless people living under the bridge.

This is a quote for a classmates story ” I may never have enough money to shop at fancy stores, but in no way do I feel bad for myself. I am already very lucky and grateful that I had enough money to travel across the word with my class and friends.” This is a very typical, they have way more than most, the ability to travel overseas but they still feel out of place they just want a little bit more. They feel that they should have more and the not having it makes them realize their place, not to high and not the low.

This last story is form another classmate “I would consider myself a middle class citizen, and I never realized how lucky I am to be living in the middle class until I saw how excited people got over things I and most other middle and upper class people take for granted.” She was on a trip to Costa Rica to deliver supples to an orphanage, to help these people get everyday items that we ahem here in Canada.

In all of these stories we are all privileged enough to be able to travel, we are all middle class people with in society. We lucky and the stereotypical “white” kids, we have more than we need and we are lucky to be where we are in the economic later.

Part 2 

“I lived part time and did not understand why living in different area of Regina meant I was seen different to my friends.” This is a quote taken from another student in the class, they lived a life then I did. They had to go through things like this that I did not experience, I understand bullying but I never received because of my family’s class or where I lived. Seeing the different status between kids is something we will all do, we look for differences between people. She defies the normative narrative by not having a lot, for changing the way the class defines us, she was said about living in the “hood” and not understanding.

The differences in who has money and who does not is something that people see, and we may jump to judgements on those people. They other student’s parents in this classmates stories thought becasue of where her dad lived that they would be unsafe at a birthday party.

Reading Response 2: Race and Whiteness

“White” is a word that makes people uncomfortable, mostly white people, as a white person I can understand that word making people uncomfortable, and in the past year it no longer makes me uncomfortable. The quote itself portraits the idea that if you are “white” you are a racist, which is not fair to people, I am kind person and I try not to harm someone or make them feel bad, but maybe I am not a racist but I am part of a system that was built on racism. I believe and the idea of “white” needs to be separated from racism.

Out of habit most white people feel the need to defend their whiteness, it is nothing that we did it is what our ancestors did and we can’t change it and we shouldn’t justify their horrible actions, white is a colour but it leaves so many people ahead. When we first started discussing white privilege in class I honestly was made me feel uncomfortable to think that maybe I got something in my live because of my colour not because I earned, I felt the need to defend, and I assume other have the same urge. Disrupting this white privilege is a need of our newly developing society, we are in a time of change but everyone has to be open to it and welcome it, and this privilege will be hard for white people to ever let go.

This article helped me understand white fragility, and it does exist in everyday life, I seem to even have these feelings, but it is important for me and others to be able to move past it. The quote is that white fragility is “the inability to cope with conversations about race that don’t protect individual white people’s sense of innocence.” I feel that race makes white people feel guilty when conversations happen and nobody wants to feel guilty, and we try to protect are innocents by neglecting the issues of race. The word white brings up those feeling of guilt and that is why people shy away from the word itself one quote from the article that seems to be the most important is, “The solution to white fragility, she says, is to build up stamina; just as with exercise, that involves doing the painful task over and over again until you get better.”

Sorry in advance I have an edusites blog so your comments might not show up right away, Audrey knows about the issue, sorry for the inconvenience.

Story 4: Gender

Grad day, we look forward to it all year everyone dresses up and goes on stage, it is suppose to be about looking back on all the memories we made but it turns into a who looks best. All the girls are excepted to go out months in advance and buy fancy dresses, some girls send hundreds of dollars on these dress. Personally I am not a dress person, I only wear them about three times a year. It is what is expected of girls, and boys have to dress up in suits but they are not excepted to send money like girls are. There were lots of girls who send loads of money on a dress to wear it for a couple of hours to walk in a circle around a gym. It is supposed to be a beautiful.

As we where all arriving about an hour before the ceremony started so we could hang out on this important. I realized that one girl wasn’t in a dress, she was wearing a suit, everyone else looked like a princess, and she decided to be herself. In that moment I looked back and realized I had never seen her in a dress since she moved here in grade ten. I always new she was more of a tomboy but it surprised me because she not wearing a dress on grad day, the one day that a it is truly excepted of a girl to wear a dress. It made me feel happy for her, to be comfortable in her own skin, and proud of who she is, and the regular steorotypes of a girl didn’t apply to her, but that didnt make her any less of a women.

She dressed like a man according to some people that day, but why do we have put gender to it, why can’t she just dress like herself. She thought it was more important for her to be comfortable that day than it was to look like what was expected of her. She will forever be one of the bravest women I know.

Story 3: Socioeconomic Status

It was the summer time about two years ago, I was in Toronto with my family, we where staying in downtown for a couple days. It was our second day and I had been to Toronto many times before to visit. I had visited most of the attractions in the in the city, and it is one of my favourite places to visit. We where staying in this really fancy hotel, and it made my feel out of place it was too fancy for me, I was not in a high enough class to be there.

It was such a beautiful and instead of driving through the city we decided to walk the couple of blocks to the restaurant we where going to eat at and the harbour front market. Our walk took about 15 minutes, along the way we had to cross under a bridge, and under there where loads of homeless people living with nothing. This was the first time a had really seen a homeless person and were they stayed. I had only really seen hitchhikers in my small town, I had been to many big cities before but I had never seen them like this, we normally stay in the tourist parts of the city. It opened my eyes to how bad things really can for some people and the thing they go through.

In that moment walking under the bridge I realize how lucky I truly am for what I have I was on a vacation and this people had nothing. I had never had to go to bed hungry or missed on things on basic things becasue my family had no money. My heart broke for this people who had nothing in their life.

This city made me realize how different and far apart the classes really are, I saw the high class and the very low class, and I realized I am somewhere in the middle, and very lucky to be where I am.

Story 2: Skin Colour

The first time I remember noticing the of skin was when the first ever black family moved in to town. They were four brothers that came to our school, and even though I didn’t know them that well and none of them were in my grade, it was still my first time noticing how different skin colour really can be. They were the talk of the town, most likely because everyone notice them when they walked down the street.

I wondered how life would be different for them with in this small white town, there dad was the head of police in our town, and I could not imagine feeling so different with a small town. I remember my grandparents always talking about them running everywhere because they lived close to each other and they were always going by, but they never brought up any other children that would walk by and there were lots that would walk by.

In that moment I realized how in are small “white” town these boys had a microscope on their actions in the town, and because of their skin tone they were always noticed in the town. When they would go to stores people would notice them first when you walked in because they stood out in our small town. The moment I realized the difference in between skin colour and how it really does separated from each other.

Assignment 1: Video Response

After watching the video, it made me realize, that you can’t own living and free things such has bugs, and makes me think of how our whole world now revolves around ownership. People put the most value in the “things” that they own, and it gives them pride. One of the first word kids learn now a days is mine, that something is theirs, and no one else’s. While babysitting the other day, I realize how children who just learning the concept of ownership are understanding how they see the world and they grow up learning that they own things and their parents own things. Could you imagine if the next generation grew up with out the concept of ownership the world would be  a completely different place.

Story 1: A Canadian Memory

It was Christmas Eve and we were at my grandparents cabin, were we where every year, I loved that place more than anything in the world, it was my second home. My favourite part wasn’t the meal or the presents it was the time we spent together on the hill with your toboggans, speeding down the hill, trying to find a way to go faster. It was alway the ten of us out there my aunt and uncle and their 3 children, my parents and my two siblings, and we always made the most amazing memories. We always got new tobogans and were adding to the collection, we had so many we had to chose which one we walked over to the big hill.

It was always just us on the hill, no one was ever around on Christmas Eve, it always felt like we where in the middle of no where and it felt nice to be isolated. Grandma and Grandpa would only come out for a little, it was always cold and to long for them outside.  Aunt Claudia would never come out, she would always say that “it was to cold out for her warm Mexican blood,” she could never be outside for long then 15 minutes, which still makes me laugh. Her kids never stayed out that long either they would barely make the hour out outside and once they went in so did their dad, so there was only the ten of us left out there.

We would always go out around 7:00 pm, because it had to be completely dark, then we dress in many layers because being cold was always not an option,  we would never want to go inside. We would spend hours on the hill, walking up and sliding down more times then I can count, we would go down in pairs, or we would race, or see who could the farthest at the bottom. Sometimes we would take a break and just play in the snow, having snowball fights, and it was always kids versus parents, we would hid on the other side of the hill/road in the bushes. Then we would go back to sliding because we where starting to get cold and the long walk up the hill would let you warm up. These moments made me feel truly Canadian, being on that hill in the cold making memories that would last a lifetime, and it is a Canadian way to spend time with your family.

After hours on the hill we would all be tried enough that it was time to go in for the night this would be around 11 that night, and grandma would have the hot chocolate made and in the snowman jug that sat on the counter keep it warm, we always added marshmallows, it may have been more marshmallow than hot chocolate. We would all sit around the table drink hot chocolate with anticipation for tomorrow, for Christmas until it was time to head home for the night and go to bed. We would pack things up the gifts and the leftovers to go home we where all tried t that time and dad would drive us home and by the time we made the drive home we would all be sleeping, and dad would carrying in my little brother. Those memories on that hill with my family we always be held dearly in my heart, they are a piece of me and the will forever be important to me. In these moments and memories I feel truly Canadian spending time like that on a hill in the middle of nowhere, it may be stereotypical, but it truly makes me feel like a Canadian.


1st Blog Post: About Me

Hi, my name is Paityn Ireland, and I am from Moosomin Sk, where I have lived my whole life, I am 18 and this my first year at the University of Regina. I am really excited for this class, I think it will be a great asset to be able to speak cree in the future. I am currently enrolled in the Middle years education, and my dream is to become a teacher and teach overseas and travel. I love children, and am so excited to be a teacher, I have been working with children all through high school at my job, and I developed a passion for helping children. My job was at our local Family Resource Centre and I helped run children’s programming, along with the summer reading program, and it is my favourite job I have had yet.

This is my firs time taking an online class through the university, and I am a little concerned about understanding all of the technology that is needed in this class, but hopefully it will all go good. This semester I am taking two online classes, this one and ECS 110, but I am willing to put in the work  to understand  all of the technology.

Last semester I lived in Regina at Residence at the university, but I did not enjoy it there very much and went home almost every weekend, and I moved back home to finish this year off. I was able to do all my classes here in town at the Southeast Regional College, or online like this class, which I think is super awesome that you able to do this at the U of R, it is a great way to save money if you are unsure of a what you want to do yet.

Field Blog Posts

I feel as if my field blog posts showed a lot of growth for me and my learning so here is the example of my first blog post and my last.


  • First thing in the morning the kids worked on grammar exercises by answering some questions, and fulling responding in full sentences. These  personal questions and helping them with their answers allowed my to get to know the children more, and there likes and dislikes. After they finish we corrected them, and the students shared their answers with the class, and they marked their own work. Then it was time for the students to work on their biography project, which they had been working on for a couple of weeks, and they were typing their essays out. I got to help them edit and properly format their essays, they wrote about their heros which also helped me to get the know them more. After recess it was math class and the class was starting a new unit of percents, decimals, and fractions. I observed Mr. Schlenker teach his math lesson and then we helped students with their assignment for the day. Some students struggled more than others to connect the percents, decimals, and fractions together, and it was interesting to see how different some students thought process is than others.

  • The learners in my placement are a 7/8 split classroom at Glen Elm School, and it is a community school. These students are very unique bunch of kids, and they are all at varying levels of education and learning abilities. The learning environment is a classroom, and the students are set up in in pods in desks. The walls are decorated with students past projects from this years students and students from years before. This classroom is very different from the from the ones in my school, we had no split classrooms, and our desks were always put in rows. This feels like a very safe space for kids and they all seem to enjoy school, and they all seem comfortable in the classroom.

  • I really enjoyed my fieldwork this week it was nice to get to know the kids, it was fun to be in the school and to be working with the kids. It was nice to be able to help them understand and learn, and it made me excited for the rest of my time at the school. It did make me nervous learning about some of the students and their pasts because I have never helped a student with violence issues before, like some of the students in my class. I feel like I am off to a pretty good start, all of them seem to like me, and they are pretty fun to be around.



  • Wednesday was different than most days because we didn’t have the classes as we normally do, which I enjoyed because I had only ever seen Mr. Schlenker teach ELA and Math, but today I also got to see him teach health. We started with ELA but we only did it for about 45 minutes, and the children worked on their last grammar lesson, and then on a project they had been working on. Then both 7/8 classes spilt and all the boys went to Mr. Scklenkler’s room and all the girls went to the other teachers room. They where working on s drugs unit, and it was different to see how the children really see drugs, some saw them as a problem and some do not. Other thought it was “okay” to drive high which it is not. After that it was an indoor recess do to all of the ice, so the children were in and out of the classroom, and then we moved on to Math. In math they had just moved on to a new unit, and the children were really understanding, which was nice because the last unit none of them really understood it. I helped three of the student who where really still struggling with the assignment, and for the fist time all of the student finished their assignments in the class, which was really nice to see on my last day.
  • I really enjoyed my times at Glen Elm it is a really great school, and everyone was really nice. I feel as if I learned a lot about different styles of teaching because it change from lesson to lesson with his teaching styles. Overall it was really good to get the experience of teaching, and being in that classroom environment, even though sometimes I dreaded going I always had usually I good expense once I got there. When I look at the big picture I think I was very lucky with the school I got they where all nice and it felt like a very safe environment.
  • I really enjoyed my last day and I was sad to know that I don’t get the chance to back again. The kids had extra energy today and I think it was because of the indoor recess, because it was so very icy outside, when I arrived there where kids sliding around outside trying to get to a door, and one of the buses was very late. I loved that I got to see health class on my last day because I had never seen that before and it was nice to see where the kids where at, when it came to drugs. Overall, it was a really great experience and I truly enjoyed the experience at sometimes it did make me question whether I really wanted to be a teacher, but in the end I just realized that I really do want to be a teacher.

These posts show how I grew and changed as I got to know the students and became more comfortable around them and they became more comfortable around me.