Getting Organized with Wakelet


This week I chose to explore the planning/organizational tool Wakelet. This is an amazing website that I was recently introduced to this year. I’m not sure if it’s just me, but I always seem to have 1000 tabs open with websites, resources, or videos that I want to save. I’ve never found a system that works for me to save all of these sources in one place. 

Through discussions and recommendations our EDTC class, the tool Wakelet caught my attention! This online tool allows you to create different pages where you can save webpages, images, videos, or any other online resource! I thought this would be perfect to save resources for different projects or courses. 

Wakelet Review 

I began by doing a bit of research to explore the features of the tool. I found that Common Sense Education has a complete review online. This review states that this tool is great for instructional design, media literacy, creating media, and professional learning. I agree with this statement, as there are so many ways to utilize this tool. I appreciated that this review also noted a few pros and cons:

I also came across this Youtube video that demonstrates how this tool can be used by educators. This is a great overview of all of the features if you are looking to use this tool for classroom learning experiences.

One feature that I have not explored yet is the ability to collaborate with other users. I think this feature would be very beneficial for group projects and resource sharing. I will definitely be looking into this in the future!

My Learning Project

For my learning project this week, I used Wakelet to create a resource page for ASL leanring. On this page, I included interesting articles, websites that have helped with my learning, and other resources that I want to use in the future. Here is a quick glimpse into my ASL Learning page:

Wakelet is very easy to follow and super user friendly. I would definitely recommend it if you are looking for a new organization tool!


6 Replies to “Getting Organized with Wakelet”

  1. Hey Presley!
    I have seen a lot about Wakelet lately and it seems amazing! Kind of like a more educationally based Pinterest board. I mentioned on Tina’s blog that I could see it being used for students to organize their ideas when planning for projects and papers etc.! I also really appreciate your ASL resource board! I am going to have to check that out seeing as I am doing ASL as well for my learning project! Some resources I have found to be very useful are: The ASL app, Signlanguage101, and TakeLessons (ASL) on YouTube!

  2. Hey Presley!
    This is a great tool. I have tried to use it in the past and I found it so helpful. I found the YouTube video you attached also super helpful. Your learning project video looks really good too!

  3. Hi Presley,
    First off I find your blog very easy to go through. The design is done very well and it also shows in the work you post. I really enjoyed your review on Wakelet it was very in depth. Keep up the great work.

  4. Hi Presely! I also explored Wakelet and created a resource page for my sewing learning project. I think it is a great way to organize various research materials for large projects. In the classroom, I would probably use it with my high school students, rather than middle or elementary students. IT would be great for large final projects, genius hour, or science/heritage fair projects. How do you see it fitting into the classroom?

  5. I have never heard of Wakelet before but I totally wish I had. As educators, you can never bee too organized. Life is so chaotic in general and having organizational tool such as Wakalet is essential in maintaining sanity lol. Thank you so much for sharing!

  6. Presely,
    Thank you for sharing this resource! I have never heard of Wakelet before and I am looking forward to bringing it into my own practice. I loved how you were able to connect and use it with your learning project.
    Again, thank you for sharing!

    – Kelsey

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