Parents should be aware: There are more advantages over the disadvantages of social media on children

Parents should be aware: There are more advantages over the disadvantages of social media on children

March 2, 2023 0 By Ramsel Guillermo

The effects of social media on children can be both positive and negative. On the positive side, social media can help children develop communication and social skills, increase self-confidence and self-esteem, and even help them make new friends. It can also provide a platform for children to share their ideas, opinions, and experiences with a broader audience. On the negative side, social media can expose children to cyberbullying, inappropriate content, and even predators. It can also lead to excessive use and addiction, resulting in a lack of physical activity, poor sleep habits, and even depression. Parents should be aware of the potential risks and take steps to ensure their children are using social media responsibly.

The debate EC&I debate on “Social media is ruining childhood” – I voted for “Agree”. The “agree” side mention some potential drawbacks, of which I believe all are true. But on the other hand,  hearing the “disagree” side, they describe and discuss much more advantages of social media over the disadvantages, they influence my side to be going to “see that social media is not ruining” one’s personal, social and educational life.  And to take Dr. Alec’s Edtech, he is giving great information on how social media is affecting and impacting us positively.

My take is if we educate our children (including myself as adult) the proper way of utilizing social media, they can gain healthy information and entertainment, they can create positive networking for social skills and they can use it for educational purposes.  Weighing the positive benefits and its drawback, social media doesn’t ruin childhood, and isn’t bad after all.