I would like to start off by saying that I do not know what is going to happen in the future, but I will share what I think is going to happen this fall. I would love to believe that everything is going to go back to normal soon, however I don’t really think that will happen. For fall 2020 I think it is safe to say that it will be different then we have seen in past years. I don’t think that many schools will go back to full time, face to face classes, for the first year back anyway. They might have some face to face classes and supplement with some online classes, and online resources, or they might keep all the classes online. Another option we were talking about in class was that students would be taught in shifts. For example, having half days or having groups come on different days. I think the other thing that has to be factored in is when everyone goes back to work, the parents are going to have to figure out what the kids that aren’t old enough to stay home alone are going to do when they are at work. A good option might be to open schools but not mandatory for students to come in, and keep teaching the rest through online classes, which will have its own set of issues that will have to be worked out.

As for teaching and education in 2025, I think it will be different from what teaching and education used to be, but different doesn’t necessarily mean worse. Different just means different, educators might have to find a better, more effective way to teach online, and deal with whatever situation we are in in 2025. I think (and hope) that by 2025 we will be able to teach face to face to some degree. I would not be surprised if the max class sizes go down to minimize physical contact. At the very least I think there will be more awareness that we need to be careful so that this virus doesn’t get out of hand again. For me personally, I know that the thought of the virus will be in the back of my mind whenever I am with a large group of people, or when I’m out in public it will be in the back of my mind to keep my distance, and to wash your hands whenever I touch anything.

Thanks for reading, and have a lovely rest of your day.