On the Road to Greatness…I Think

January 22, 2024 0 By Sarah Miller

Learning something new is always a little scary. The fear of the unknown and failure. But, it can also lead to a feeling of excitement maybe a little nervousness. At least that is what I experienced when I started to think about my learning project. I knew right away what I wanted to try but that did not make it anymore “easy” for me to start. I have decided to pick embroidery. I have this old jean jacket that I think putting patches and stitching would make it look cool as I would be able to personalize it to my liking. I had some knowledge of embroidery but I did need to look a few things up.

First I used the website below to gain the knowledge I needed to know what materials I needed to complete this project. I then went to Micheals and was luckily able to find all my supplies for about 30 dollars. Once I got home I was egar to start but didn’t really know where. I started to pintrest “embroidery pattern ideas for jean jackets”, but nothing really spoke to me. I decided I would just play around and see what happens.

DIY: Hand Embroidered Denim


To do this I needed to learn how to thread and tie off the needle.

Using the video below I was able to learn this very easily.

After I learnt this it was pretty much just trial and air to figure out what worked and what didn’t. I found that some pieces of the jean jacket were easier to get the needle through then others and I also learnt it takes way longer then I anticipated. I mean I’m talking hours of time put in for only little to no result. This did make me feel a little defeated as I was worried I was going to have to pick a new leaning project because I wouldn’t have enough time to finish. I am however confident in my ability to do small work at the moment as seen below I have started a rainbow flag on the shoulder of one of the arms of the jean jacket.

I still have lots to learn as there are different types of stiches and such. But I feel like I have a good start and am excited to continue my learning journey!