I Believe Statements
I believe that there are multiple ways of learning and that as teachers we need to use differentiated learning and adaptions to help all our students succeed in whatever way works best for them.
I believe in creativity, allowing all students to explore their interests and ideas and incorporate them into the classroom and assignments.
I believe in equality. All students should be treated equally and respected, teachers and students as well as students to students should have mutual respect for each other set.
I believe that as teachers we should not make assumptions. We need to get to know each and every one of our students and celebrate everyone in our classroom by exploring all cultures and identities.
I believe that every student has the right to learn. I will teach to my fullest potential and work towards giving all students equal opportunities for learning.
I believe in creating the proper learning environment so that students can succeed. Prioritizing inclusion, individuality and respect for everyone so that students feel school is a welcoming place where they are safe.
I believe in providing alternate learning techniques so that differentiation can take place. Differentiation is important so that all students can show what they are learning in whatever way works best for them.
I believe in providing a safe environment for all students to learn in. A safe environment for all students is one where they will not feel judged or embarrassed to be who they are. This is something that as a teacher in your classroom you have to encourage students to make mistakes, let them know that everyone is different and that is a good thing.
I believe in working collaboratively. Working collaboratively gives students and teachers a chance to bounce ideas and questions off of others for new understandings and learning. It allows for differentiation and breaks the stigma that there is sometimes only one right answer and one way to find it.
I believe in mutual respect between the teacher and their students. Understanding and setting boundaries that both parties agree with, this can be done by having class rules created and put up in the classroom.
I believe that learning should be fun and interactive and that there is always more to learn, our journey never stops. This can be shown in the classroom by changing space, incorporating student interests and always looking for new ways to get students engaged with new ways of hands-on learning and activities.
I believe that education is for everyone, nobody should ever be excluded especially in the classroom, there is a place for everyone!
I believe in making mistakes and learning from them to help us grow. This is sometimes hard to get across with students, but it is important to remember that nobody is perfect embrace hiccups and misunderstandings in the classroom and turn them into lessons that create deeper understanding.
I believe that you have to get comfortable with being uncomfortable and always be openminded so that you can keep exploring and growing as an educator. Our world is always moving and changing it is important to learn and grow with it.