The Start to my new Project!

As a part of EDTC 300, an EdTech class I am currently taking at the University of Regina, we were told to teach yourself and learn something new. It will be challenging but yet fun, as it pushes you to try something new that maybe you have always wanted to try and do or maybe not.
For my learning project, I am going to try and get more creative with the foods I eat by incorporating at least one, or maybe more, new meals that I have never made before into the weeks to come.

I myself, love trying new foods and creating different meals, I just don’t do it often enough. I would say that I am a good cook but lately I have been catching myself making the same five meals every week and I am ready for a change! The area that I am hoping to experiment with a little more is trying different types of pasta as well adding more veggies and different ones to my meals and maybe try adding new baking recipes as well.

The meals that include pasta that I make right now, are spaghetti and meat sauce as well as macaroni and cheese and if I’m being honest, I am so TIRED of them. I see so many videos of yummy pastas that have different sauces, vegetables, meat and heavy cream so I figured I would give them a go.

My plan for this project throughout the course is every week take some kind of meat, whether it be beef, pork, chicken, etc, and find a recipe that incorporates it that I have never made before. Pinterest is usually my go to for searching recipes but I have been addicted to the food channel lately so might try some recipes from there as well! I will then share the recipe or video as well as my process of making it with you guys. Feel free to share with me your favourite recipes or your feedback on my meals! Some weeks I might re-make one of the previous recipes but change something up and add that to one of my new weekly meals.

Food Network Homepage Screenshot
My Pinterest Account Screenshot

I am super excited to give this learning project a go as I think it will be a lot of fun. I also hope that I enjoy these recipes and can make them more often instead of eating the same five meals!

5 thoughts on “The Start to my new Project!

  1. Hi Ciera!
    I am so excited to follow along on your cooking adventure and hopefully learn some new recipes to try out myself! I myself love the food network so I can totally see where you’re coming from, I always see recipes that look so yummy but I’m either too lazy or just plain scared to try something new! Can’t wait to see where these recipes take you!

    1. Hello Payge!
      That is exactly how I feel too! I’m always scared I am going to mess it up and waste it. The people on the Food Network make it look so easy! I cannot wait to try out a new recipe.

  2. Hello!
    I love Chrissy Teigen’s cookbooks “Cravings” as they have recipes for everyday meals that people actually crave/want to eat. If you do not have them, they probably have them at your local library. I have a goal to make every recipe in her books – her banana bread and Mango “ice cream” are my favourites!

    1. Hello Tina!
      That is good to know, thank you for sharing that with me. I will definitely have to look for those.

  3. Pinterest is definitely my go-to app for recipes. There are so many unique things on there that one may not think of otherwise. And hey, experimenting with food is so much fun. I believe everyone has an inner chef in them that loves to cook. I know I sure do!

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