A large square cement block leans at a 45 degree angle against black rock tiling and logs of wood stacked. Below the cement lock lies gravel and weeds as well as shadows. In the top left corner you see a silver lip of the door that is open, leading inside to the garage. The bottom left corner of the cement block is chipped and broken leaving it look like something was chewing on the corner if it. On the top half of the cement block, more towards the middle, is a shadow from one of the logs making two hill like shapes.

The cement block was made from the pouring of cement into a mold. The textured picture is of a cowboy riding a bucking bronc. In the middle is the horse bucking which is a dark brown in colour. The head of the horse is faded and gone leaving a light grey colour as well as the tail. Even though the colour is faint, you can still see the outline of the horse and its hair. Around the front end and back end of its stomach is two lines painted in a very faint yellow colour. Above the front line sits a cowboy wearing faint yellow coloured chaps, brown boots, blue shirt and black cowboy had. The texture of the mold leaves creases in each piece of clothing. The cowboys feet are high in the air as well as one of his hands leaving his buttocks the only thing touching the horse.

In the background, behind the cowboy and bucking horse was once a blue sky and brown ground with a wooden, picket fence. All of those things are still there but the sky only has hints of blue and has grey spots throughout looking as if someone took a sponge and grey paint and patted it on. The brown ground looks the same however, the deep paints of the mold or carved out parts still have the brown but the others is worn out with grey. The brightest part of the cement block painting is the brown wood fence that is to the right of the horse and cowboy. There is two posts laying vertical and four pieces of wood laying horizontally from the posts. Standing on the fence is a cowboy in an orange shirt cheering. The texture of the cement block appears to be rough however, it also looks like if you were to run your hand overtop of it, you would be able to feel what the picture is of.