As I (Humaira) and Jashandeep are working together, we tried to follow similar classroom interaction methods and a similar path of portraiting our blog. Effective interaction and communication are essential between teachers and students in any classroom, regardless of whether it is online or face-to-face. This can enhance learning outcomes and establish a dynamic and supportive environment that fosters mutual collaboration and benefits both teachers and students. The readings assigned for this week were particularly informative as Bate delved into the intricate details of online collaborative learning (OCL) and highlighted several critical aspects that teachers need to consider maintaining student engagement in the learning process.

In our contemporary society, technology has become an indispensable aspect of the daily lives of students, teachers, and parents, as they regularly use it for diverse purposes. Instructors have a range of tools at their disposal to enable classroom interaction, such as LMS forums, online applications like Flipgrid, Edmodo, Moodle, and video conferencing platforms. As with other social networking sites like WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok, etc., students can express their authentic selves more freely in class through communication. They can engage in collaborative activities guided by their teachers, collaborating to solve problems and offer mutual support. Students can also solicit feedback from teachers through these platforms, which helps to establish a closer personal connection between them. Furthermore, for introverted or shy students, direct, private communication with teachers can be especially advantageous.
In a face-to-face class, students may converse with teachers and exchange knowledge with one another. They can also express themselves through body language and facial expressions, which helps to foster positive relationships between them and the teachers. While in an online class, where the physical presence plays no role, teachers can plan various activities for students to ensure that everyone is actively participating in the learning process. During the COVID-19 pandemic, we all used various online platforms for learning. It also affects adversely on some students because they develop a sense of comfort in their own homes and experience social anxiety, for this reason, teachers should ensure that every student is actively participating in learning for example, a teacher in online learning make sure that everyone in the class has their camera on to keep an eye on them.
In my previous blogs, I covered various aspects related to interaction. As stated in my course profile, I have selected Google Classroom as my preferred platform for the course module, and I also plan to use it for engagement that’s why I have added my email id so that students can reach me whenever they want. For an emergency situation, I will also provide my cell phone number so that they can leave a text in order to get connected. Additionally, I can utilize Google Meet to communicate more effectively with my students. The Google Classroom streaming page allows for communication between students and the teacher, and both student-student and teacher-student interactions are possible. As an instructor, I have the ability to upload anything related to the class, such as class materials and resources like YouTube videos, links, and files. Students can leave comments below these posts. On the classwork page, students can view upcoming events through the Google Calendar.
For instance, I can schedule a video chat with students on Google Meet by providing a specific date and time.
In summary, effective two-way communication is essential for building mutual respect between learners and instructors, and it can establish an inclusive and open environment that encourages individuals to freely express their thoughts and ideas without fear of being criticized. Technological tools can serve as a means to bridge the gap between students and teachers in an online setting. However, compared to face-to-face classes, online courses require teachers to be more intentional in designing interaction methods and scheduling meetings, as well as informing students of any changes or updates. Additionally, teachers can leverage various communication systems, such as email, text messages, and phone calls, to provide prompt and reliable assistance to students and their parents in case of emergencies.
Thanks for sharing! I really like the one-stop-shop that google classrooms provides for teachers/students, as you’ve described it. I am used to using Teams, so I am not too familiar with google classrooms, so thank you for the information. Does it have an instant message option? I am wondering because I would suggest using that instead of distributing you personal cell phone number as a means of instant communication. I don’t doubt that you would teach students to use that method of interaction wisely, appropriately, and sparsely, however I think there are some potential ethical/legal/privacy issues that could potentially spring up with offering this mode of interaction.
Hello Jacquie. No, in google classroom there is no instant message option. I totally understand your concern about privacy issues. Basically, we have designed our module based on the Soth-Asian curriculum. Teachers aren’t allowed to share their contact information with anyone. In our country, every teacher has been provided with a sim card for school usage. They connect with all the students and administration through that work number and it is a pervasive way to stay connected with the students in any emergency situation.
I really like the concept you share about the google classroom, This is a straightforward method for teachers to organize and carry out the sharing of lesson resources, assignments, and grading. Everything is easily visible and accessible on various devices. For real-time video interactions with the class, Google Hangouts is even supported. This is not a rival to comprehensive solutions like Blackboard, D2L Brightspace, Moodle, or Instructure Canvas. It resembles Edmodo or Schoology more, which are both free to use. At its most basic level, Google Classroom is the public face of Google Workspace for Education, collecting everything in one location for simpler and faster usage of the numerous Google technologies. While in a pinch, this is a fantastic way to deliver instruction online, it does not completely replace the traditional classroom.
Thanks for your suggestion. I really appreciate that.