We’re thrilled to have completed our first ED tech classes and are overjoyed with our progress! Initially, we felt quite intimidated by the course’s requirements, from creating a blog on WordPress to producing a summary video using Canva. It was a wild ride, and we recall spending countless hours watching YouTube tutorials to keep up
Author: Humaira Tasnuva
Our Course Walkthrough
Greetings to all! We are thrilled to announce the completion of our final course module. Collaboratively, my colleague Jashandeep and I, Humaira, designed our course profile, and we relished the experience. Our teamwork was highly productive as we supported each other throughout the process, putting in significant effort to curate our blog entries. We sincerely
Second Module: Present Continuous Tense
Please take a look at my video presentation which provides a comprehensive overview of the details concerning the second module of my course prototype. The video includes a brief summary of the first module, a discussion of the modifications and improvements that have been made, and a description of the content and objectives of the
The Significance of Classroom Interaction and Communication
As I (Humaira) and Jashandeep are working together, we tried to follow similar classroom interaction methods and a similar path of portraiting our blog. Effective interaction and communication are essential between teachers and students in any classroom, regardless of whether it is online or face-to-face. This can enhance learning outcomes and establish a dynamic and
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Developing a South-Asian Curriculum: Navigating Feedback and Enhancing Student Learning in a Multicultural Classroom
Initially, in our course profile, I (Humaira)and Jashandeep, both of us stated that we were developing our course module based on the South-Asian curriculum. However, after receiving feedback from reviewers, it was noted that the Grade-3 lessons created were not suitable for the age and grade level. Despite this, English is introduced in our curriculum
Course Module 1: Simple Verb Tense
Hello Everyone! The first-course module of our online course prototype is built on the framework of Me and Jashandeep’s collaboration. We are working together to create it according to our South-Asian context as we are not experienced instructors in Canada. We decided to create the prototype in a way that will make it easier for
Socrative: An interactive tool for teachers and students
Whenever I found new tech, apps, or websites concerning education and training, I always try to explore them. I always try to make every learning session just a fun and entertaining one so that I can get the highest possible participation and engagement from my learners. I always try to make it more transparent so
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Course Profile: Grade 3 Communicative English
Rationale: This course profile is created by me (Humaira) and Jashandeep. As we both belong to South Asia (Bangladesh & India), we decided to make a class plan based on our content and education system. Being a citizen of a different country where English is the second language, it’s been a tough job as a
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Understanding the Online Blended Class
In this modern world, we can’t think even a day without the internet. Our life is fully dependent on the usage of the internet, from checking our work schedule to paying for shopping through e-wallets and whatnot. These days, worldwide, the education sector is dependent on the internet. Especially, after the COVID-19 pandemic, people become
An intro to all
Hello Everyone. My name is Humaira Tasnuva. I am an international student, currently doing my Master’s in Human Resource Development at UoR and working as a retail Manager at Sobeys. I am from Dhaka, Bangladesh. I always dreamt of being a higher HR professional in the corporate sector. I have worked in Cocacola and Arla