EDTC300,  Learning Project,  Week 1

Enthusiasm is everything.

How do you begin something new? What things do you need? Enthusiasm is one thing and personal connection is another. These, of course, are not the only things. This is the beginning of a new experience: learning to play my electric guitar.

To preface this, I have owned the electric guitar and equipment for almost 13 months. I have also paid for a mobile app, Fender Play, for the same amount of time. I still have yet to pick it up and learn to play it.

The beautiful thing about learning is that nobody can take it away from you.

B.B. King

I have also grown up with many people playing guitar around me. When I was young and visiting my grandparents, my Grandpa would play and sing his favourite songs and we would sing along. My Mom learned from my Grandpa, so she had her own guitar and played around me as well. When he passed, my brother, Nathan, picked up the skill and played in a few “garage” bands. Although, it was not common to hear him play a whole song – just a whole lot of Smoke on the Water. When my Grandma was sick, she was living with us, at my Mom’s house, for quite some time and she loved playing as well – I think it reminded her about Grandpa and it brought her closer to him.

As you can see, guitars have brought many memories to me as a child and an adult. I think this is why I am so interested, especially being “musically ungifted.”

My goal is not black and white. Something like this takes time to learn and I intend this learning to go very slowly. I would ultimately love to learn to play a Maroon 5 song but will consider it a success if I learn a few notes. If I pick the right Maroon 5 song, I might be okay with a few notes!

If you haven’t figured it out yet, my baseline is that I cannot read music, play notes or songs, etc. If I learn anything, this project will have succeeded. I have also found out that playing an electric guitar is harder than an acoustic guitar yet, here I am, owning an electric guitar instead (I thought it was cooler).


Electric guitars have lighter strings and are smaller. Acoustic guitars are heavier and have a thicker neck because of the heavier strings. Electric guitars kind of require an amplifier, which I have, to enhance the learning process.


  • electric guitar
  • amplifier
  • guitar instrument cable
  • FenderPlay mobile app
  • FenderTune mobile app
  • endless picks


What is a goal without some measures? Think SMART, if you will: Specifically, I want to learn to play chords and notes, enough to play a Maroon 5 song by the end of the #edtc300 course. To measure this goal, I will take video, screenshots, etc to track my progress. As far as this goal being attainable, I believe it is because I have set out low expectations and expect to exceed them; therefore, I will adjust my goal accordingly as the weeks go by. Realistically, I could practice more or less each week, however, 3 hours is more than achievable. I will practice 3 hours per week for a total of 13 weeks. This practice will include a lesson or two from the FenderPlay app. I will have achieved this goal if I am able to play a Maroon 5 song.

I really look most forward to feeling a connection to my Grandpa that passed and playing some of the songs he loved.

Follow along to see how things progress with this goal!

Hi there, I am a full-time high school mathematics teacher in Saskatchewan. I am also a single mom to my daughter, Ardann. I am currently taking my Masters of Adult Education and Human Resources through the University of Regina. My long-term goal is to teach at the University of Regina, in a Mathematics course. I keep busy playing volleyball in a competitive women's league twice a week, coaching the senior girls' volleyball team in my school, and doing activities with my daughter. I have a love for art as well, which is practiced by drawing intricate chalk art outside for my daughter or her favourite characters on my iPad.


  • Maya Rosenberg

    Hi Allysia,

    It’s great to meet you, hear your stories in the “about me” and see your project, this sounds so much fun! I love your layout, humor, colors and how your blog feels. I also appreciate how you approach setting new goals, I find I always set up too much for myself and than have a hard time coming through- simplifying is key and good to be reminded of. Thank you.

    Music is such a big part of my life and I think it’s so wonderful you chose a goal about it! I can’t play anything but am a great listener 🙂 My partner is a musician and I’m the one that when I hike and sing to scare the bears away I get people asking me to be quiet haha!

    I love Maroon 5 and voted for your song- moves like a Jagger- hope this will be a fun adventure to learn! Looking forward to see and hear your music.


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