Q & A with Tina and Allysia

Hi everyone, Tina and I sent out a Google Form last week to prompt emerging teachers to ask questions regarding teaching outside of university. We are among a few others in the EDTC 300 class that has experienced teaching outside of university. We wanted to do this to help promote the transition for the soon-to-be teachers in this class. Tina’s blog post has episode 1, and below is episode 2. If you have any more questions, feel free to reach out to either of us!

Deepening the Discussion Document

As we spoke of in our podcast, here is the document from the Ministry of Education. Use this document as a means to develop students’ sense of identity, care, respect for human and biological diversity, commit to the well-being of others, and engage in social action towards the greater good (Ministry of Education, 2015).

Hi there, I am a full-time high school mathematics teacher in Saskatchewan. I am also a single mom to my daughter, Ardann. I am currently taking my Masters of Adult Education and Human Resources through the University of Regina. My long-term goal is to teach at the University of Regina, in a Mathematics course. I keep busy playing volleyball in a competitive women's league twice a week, coaching the senior girls' volleyball team in my school, and doing activities with my daughter. I have a love for art as well, which is practiced by drawing intricate chalk art outside for my daughter or her favourite characters on my iPad.


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