• EDTC300

    Adding to the Tech Adventure

    This week we got to play around with another way to interact with other educational resources – Feedly. It is a pretty interesting place for finding conversations or resources on specific topics. For me, I was able to follow numerous amounts of ‘Tech Ed’ blogs – I snuck some ‘Math Ed’ ones in there too. Educational Tech & Mobile Learning This is one of the educational tech blogs that I followed during this process. It gave Edulastic as a resource for full lesson plans, however, they are American so please use them accordingly – you will be able to find some connections to the SK curriculum with it. I was…

  • EDTC300,  Learning Project,  Week 1

    Enthusiasm is everything.

    How do you begin something new? What things do you need? Enthusiasm is one thing and personal connection is another. These, of course, are not the only things. This is the beginning of a new experience: learning to play my electric guitar. To preface this, I have owned the electric guitar and equipment for almost 13 months. I have also paid for a mobile app, Fender Play, for the same amount of time. I still have yet to pick it up and learn to play it. The beautiful thing about learning is that nobody can take it away from you. B.B. King I have also grown up with many people…

  • EDTC300,  Intro post

    Gettin’ this party started

    Hello everyone, I am new here. Here as in blogging. “SHE DOESNT EVEN GO HERE” No, for real, I really don’t belong here – yet. I am new to this blogging thing. I haven’t had a lot of time to play around with the site so let’s call it “under construction” for now. SEND HELP. I am kidding. You should become familiar with my sarcasm and silly jokes as you stick around as I pave the way for new knowledge and skills that come with owning a blog. As far as getting to know me – if you haven’t guessed it already, that is under the “About Me” tab at…