I am finally catching up on my learning project, and getting this third post out. These last two weeks threw a bit of a wrench into my schedule for this project and it caused a standstill for a while. Two weeks ago we set up a space for the sewing machine in our guest room/office, I was looking forward to being able to have a designated space for this project! Then one of my Mom’s students tested positive for COVID and she had to self isolate. Fortunately, the rest of the family was able to go about our daily lives, IF she stayed in the guest room completely separate from us, which meant that I couldn’t access the sewing machine. Luckily all is well, and she is healthy so this week I was able to get back working on my sewing!
The Project Today
This week I created a pillow case! I was mostly focused on getting back into and practicing my simple straight seams to begin with.
I didn’t need to use any patterns or resources for this project, because I already have an idea about how to use my sewing machine and create seams, and I just used a pillow from home to determine how much fabric I would need. That being said, I have been loosely following the progression in skills that was laid out on this blog.
This project definitely went much smoother than my first! I had no silly mistakes this time and everything went very well. I had no mishaps with my threads, even though I did have to learn to refill the bobbin and rethread the machine all of those little learning curves went very well.
Final Product

Here is the final product! The pillow fit, which I was skeptical about while I was sewing, because I definitely did not measure as accurately as I should have. However, all was well and it actually looks pretty good if I do say so myself! I managed to sew everything evenly with only a few wobbles and wonky seams.
Next up on the agenda is a face mask. I figured I would try to challenge myself with creating something a bit more complex with several pieces, a simple pattern, and curved seams. Check back in a few days to check it out!
In the meantime check out my twitter, I haven’t been as active as usual this past week or two, but I plan on getting back on there ASAP!
Callen Boutin
Looks great Abby!
Glad to hear that you’ve been able to get back on track with your learning project. I’ve also found myself getting a bit behind on this project, so I completely understand that part. I’m interested to see how the mask turns out!
Sarah Stroeder
Hi Abby! I love the titles on your blog posts. The play on words really helps draw your reader in. Your sewing setup is so cute! It’s also great how you’ve continued to add videos to show us your process. I am really looking forward to seeing how your mask turns out, it sounds like it will be a challenge!