Spent a lot of time stitchin’

For my final blog post I decided to do a little self-reflection on the progress I made and the fun I have had over the course of the last 10 weeks – lets get started!

Stitching Skills

I seen the most progress in my Chain stitch – if you were reading from the beginning, then you know I STRUGGLED with this stitch for the first few weeks of my learning project. With the help of Youtube and Tiktok – I think I am about 1,000 steps closer to mastering it. Seeing myself using this stitch in my projects is so rewarding now because I really dreaded it at the beginning of my journey.

My FAVOURITE stitch was the Embroidered Rose, which I had learned early on in my journey and actually only used a few times! I will get my use out of this skill as I work on a few Christmas presents (I will touch on this again later on!). But you can

Pumpkin Project with Embroidered Rose

check out my roses to the right:

The Satin stitch was one I felt like I had mastered early on, but I did feel like something was missing towards the end of our semester so I spent some time playing with the stitch and seeing what worked best. I tried out the following approaches:

  • Less strands
  • More strands
  • Tighter stitching
  • Different start/end points

Learning Resources

Ok, I tried a handful of different resources throughout my learning journey and I am going to rank them for you & give you reasons to why I believe them. Check out my resource summarization in a Canva creation below as well as linked here.

Resource Summarization


To summarize this experience in a whole – I loved it! Did I achieve my goal of embroidering my niece a Christmas present? No, BUT I have started it and I am feeling very confident (check out the sneak peak of it below).This project will include every skill I learned throughout the semester:

  1. Transferring a design

    The start of the reason why I wanted to learn how to embroider
  2. Lettering stitches
  3. Floral stitches

I am happy I took it step-by-step and skill-by-skill rather than jumping into random projects each week, I think this helped me create a strong foundation with transferable skills. I am excited to continue embroidering and I do think that, my gift giving game has gotten better!

Thanks for following along for the past 10 weeks!

One thought on “Spent a lot of time stitchin’

  1. Definitely a cool skill to pick up this semester, crazy to see the difference in skill from the start of the ten weeks to now. Great job!

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