Blog 7: Treaty Education

It is so important that we make sure Indigenous topics are discussed, even to those who are not Indigenous. “We are all treaty people” to me means to constantly educate ourselves and others about the Indigenous culture and respect the land that we live on. A huge portion of Canadians live one treaty land, so technically we are all treaty people as we live on the treaty land. Since we choose to live on this land, we all need to respect it and show that we are “all treaty people”. Sharing stories and knowledge from the past helps everyone to have a better understanding about our country and gives us a better connection to it. School’s are a great place to pass on this important knowledge about treaties and Indigenous history.

I think it is very important to really acknowledge “we are all treaty people” while educating children. We as the teachers are responsible for passing along this idea to every single student we have, regardless of their culture. Teaching of Treaty Ed focuses on reconnecting with the land. Claire Kreuger’s blog is a great resource on teaching Treaty Ed and how to incorporate it into the everyday classroom and simply how important it is.

Unfortunately Treaty Ed is seen as less important and is very known to be left out. There is so much evidence on how important it is to teach Treaty Ed, we just need to actually utilize it. I remember when I was in school Treaty Ed was a very slim to none topic, I got most of my current knowledge from university. As time goes on, Treaty Ed is becoming more prominent in classrooms and students/teachers are becoming aware of the fact that we are all treaty people and are starting to understand the importance of teaching it in the classroom.


  1. Karly Schmitz

    Hey Brooklyn,
    I agree that it is important to teach about First Nations cultures and traditions in schools. I also did not receive adequate education on these topics in high school. How do you think that affected your learning now? In what ways do you think not receiving this education affects you as a teacher?

  2. brennerh

    Hey Brooklyn! I enjoyed reading your post and I agree with you. It is very important to acknowledge that we are all treaty people ass we all live and belong on the same land. I agree, sharing stories from the past and teaching treaty education will help with our journey towards reconciliation.

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