As a future educator and role model for all students, I believe that:
- It is vital that all students feel that they are a significant component to the classroom. I can do this by making time to understand where each student comes from and what makes them who they are.
- I will need to be committed to all of the students and be able to express my commitment within the school and classroom environment. I will ensure that I am present in the moment and enthusiastic about all lessons!
- The students’ families and beliefs should be represented within the classroom, I will create a space for the whole year that is specifically for the students to share their beliefs and about their families.
- Respect should be shown to students, their families, and the entire faculty.
- It is important to not only create a quiet and organized space for learning, but also a place to move. I will ensure there are options in my classroom for movement learning for all of the students.
- A teacher is responsible for creating a safe, comfortable, and welcoming environment within the classroom. This goal comes from a contribution of the classroom décor, the students, the lesson plans, and myself as the eductor.
- Each student should feel included and supported through their learning journey. I will have appropriate assignments for all students, ensuring they fit well with the students- limiting the struggles or lack of participation.
- It is also important to provide inclusive and supportive visual art, as well as a wide variety of books throughout the classroom.
- Teachers must be emotionally stable, creating a balance between personal and professional life.
- Educators must respect and value the work of the rest of the faculty. It is vital for the students to have a constant foundation throughout the school, having a faculty that works well and respectfully together will ensure everyone is on the same page and giving the highest quality of education for each student.
- Teachers must set realistic goals. By setting realistic goals for all students throughout the year, I would be setting each student up for success.
- Teachers should be consistent in following through, showing fellow staff, parents, and students that they are reliable in any circumstance.
- Teachers must show equality within their practice rather than simply teaching about it. Celebrating all cultures and backgrounds equally will make students feel included and that their own celebrations are important as well throughout the year, rather than only focusing on the traditional Canadian holidays.
- Teachers must give the students a sense of stability as they may not feel that within their homes. Show the students that you are always there for them and available, as well as school resources. I will also have a set structure and schedule for the kids to allow them to feel organized and know what to expect each day.
- Educators must always remember that each student is unique and works at their own pace and may require different teaching strategies.
- Teachers should be able to create a judge-free setting and value students’ opinions and concerns while encouraging other students to do so. This ties in with the respect from both the teacher and the students, I will set the tone early in the year to ensure the whole classroom is understanding.
- I believe that it is important for me to continue to grow with new experiences by learning from my students as they learn from myself and their fellow classmates. I will continue to develop myself emotionally and professionally.