It’s Hot and It’s Cold, I’m In Then I’m Out, It’s Black and It’s White, We Fight, We Break Up, We Kiss, We Make Up

My Relationship with social media is the same as most relationships, there are things that I love about it and then there are things about it that I wish were different. There are moments were I think

social media is supportive, enjoyable, knowledgeable but then it can be insincere, co-dependant, addictive, tiresome, or just plain old judgy.

Social Media & Me

Personal Pros:

  • I can see all the opportunities other people are experiencing through their posts
  • I can showcase  experiences I am having
  •  It keeps my pictures! This is huge for me, I no longer need to print them out I can just have them easily accessible, and organized. No clutter in my house
  • Can see memories
  • Can communicate with others

Personal Cons:

  • Time consuming
  • Mindless- takes me away from the things that I need to be doing
  • I compare my life to others; I see what others are experiencing or doing and think “Ah I wish I could do that” or ” I should do that with my family”, it always leaves me feeling worse about myself if I am being honest
  • Creates anxiety
  • Addictive

Professional Pros:

  • Communicate easily with parents/colleagues
  • Use less paper (online agenda)
  • Access to enrichment activities
  • Able to send/share multiple documents
  • View professional material
  • PD opportunities
  • Access to responding to emails anywhere is helpful

Professional Cons:

  • Parents ignore the boundaries set out for our online agenda
  • I feel obligated to reply to emails, parent messages on Remind right away
  • Added pressure we I see other teachers posting about their awesome lessons
  • Not as fluent as other teachers in technology so I feel less than in that area
  • Anxiety

There you have it folks, thanks for stopping in!

3 thoughts on “It’s Hot and It’s Cold, I’m In Then I’m Out, It’s Black and It’s White, We Fight, We Break Up, We Kiss, We Make Up

  1. Hi Christine!
    First of all, love the How I Met Your Mother inclusion (one of my personal favourites). I agree that a pro and a con is the ability to be able to communicate with others. I can connect to anyone… but ANYONE can connect with me. Personally, I have switched my Facebook name to be written in its original Ukrainian form so that students and parents can’t find me. I agree that some families have no boundaries and will go to no lengths to find you online to send you a message (good or bad).
    Perhaps my favourite use of social media is the PD. I have 2 Instagram accounts and both follow like-minded individuals or companies so that I can keep up with the latest developments, trending news, and inventive ideas.
    Do you turn off your notifications after a certain time of day or days of the week to create life/work balance and boundaries? I customized my apps this year (Remind, Instagram, etc) to do this so that I could better maintain that balance in my life.


    1. That is a really great idea to turn off those notifications. On Remind, I set my office hours so that parents would receive a message prior to hitting send that it was outside of my time but some parents (usually the same ones) chose to ignore it and send anyways with the expectation I will reply right away; however with your suggestion in not seeing those notifications at all that would help alleviate the pressure I feel to respond.

  2. Great blog! I had the same issue replying to parents way too late. Since we have switched to Edsby from Seesaw this has changed a great deal (especially when we had to delete it from our phones). Now I limit checking to when I first arrive at school, end of the day and once at home.

    I also have had to remind students of work boundaries and they should not expect me to reply instantly to messages. Thankfully there has not been a lot of push back from parents on this. It’s helped a great deal from feeling “on” all the time, although as a teacher that is hard to get away form.

    As you mentioned, I found myself far too anxious with social media. My anxiety would keep me thinking about the comment some stranger would reply or the lack of reaction to a post I thought was funny (what if I offended someone?). Pulling back has helped me. While I still check in regularly, I feel less an urge to respond. It’s too often I forget this and am reminded why I stopped.

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