Walking Towards a Goal

In approaching the development of a new skill, I pondered what I could learn for my EDTC 300 project. I am a practical person and wanted to learn a skill that would benefit me beyond this class. I knew I wanted to do something that gets me out of the house because I love being outside, and I figured I would be less inclined to procrastinate if I made my learning project an outdoor activity! Finally, I came up with a plan to teach my 1-year-old Golden Retriever puppy, Jazz, to walk perfectly on a leash. 

Me holding Jazz when she was 9 weeks old!

My family breeds golden retriever puppies (Piper’s Prairie Pups), and we have three females of our own Piper, Paisley and Jazz. However, we have such a spacious backyard we have never adequately trained them to walk on a leash. Their exercise has always consisted of playing with each other and fetching the ball in the backyard. Further, I like to go walking, but I have not been taking the dogs with me because it is simply too much of a hassle. They have such high energy, stop every ten paces, are easily distracted and pull on their leashes. So, I have decided to take this learning project as an opportunity to train Jazz. By the end of this week, I expect to map out a plan to get Jazz leash trained, anticipating that all goes according to it! 

In approaching this project, I have begun researching techniques and approaches. Throughout the learning journey, I will log everything, like different techniques that work and do not work for Jazz, how often we go, if bringing another dog makes a difference and variables like that. I also plan to connect with neighbours, local pet stores, and past buyers from our business to inquire about different approaches to leash training. 

The YouTube video below was my first introduction to approaching training. I also have looked at many websites and am starting to note the “must-dos” (for example, having treats at all times), prerequisite training Jazz needs to do, and techniques we probably can skip!

So stay tuned for my next post to see how I plan to approach the training and to see how that first walk goes!

2 thoughts on “Walking Towards a Goal”

  1. This has to be the most adorable project partner ever! And to have a family that breeds golden retrievers you are living my dream! This is a super creative project and will defiantly benefit you dar beyond this class. I am looking forward to seeing the process and best of luck to you and Jazz!

  2. Hi Delaney! What a great project to learn not only for you, but for your dog too! My family dogs sound like yours, they are not good walkers. I loved the video you used and the “must dos” as well. I think treats are a great way to teach your dog. My dogs certainly needed this. Maybe my parents will want to train our dogs after hearing about this project. Good luck!

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