Hand Embroidery

Since last year I was thinking about how to do hand embroidery and I was determined to teach my kids as well. I was wondering how to get started but couldn’t make it up. As I came to know about our learning project then after thinking about a couple choices I chose to plan on how to do hand embroidery. I was excited and started to search for some videosĀ  about it and started to look for supplies.

The supplies I needed to get started with were some threads, needles, frame, scissors. I also got some perchman paper as I have seen in my childhood. Some professionals used to use that to make some patterns. I remember that they used to trace their designs on parchment paper and then prick them with needles to reuse their patterns. They also used to have some chalk or ink to copy their patterns on different clothes. Hopefully I’ll use that, to make some patterns in my future projects. For today’s learning I started to practise only 5 stitches.
Back stitch, running, split, stem, and chain.

I’ve attached the video where I got inspiration from. Its basic Embroidery Stitches for Beginners by Rivers Birch Threads. There were many to watch but I chose this as it was very short and quick to watch.

Material resources:


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