Digital Learning

Digital media and the use of technology has elevated our living in multiple ways; we can learn online, communicate easily, use multiple online resources to run our life by sitting home,… etc. It’s interesting how Michael Wesch in his video (An Anthropological Introduction to YouTube) describes the new culture of media as “……..the replication and the spreading of happiness……celebration of new forms of empowerment ……a celebration of new and unimagined possibilities.”
He further described “….media is not the content, media is not just the tool of community, I think the media mediates human relationships and when media stops human relationships stops.”
There’s no doubt that media & technology brought people closer by eliminating the distance barriers.

In regards to the use of digital tools in my future classroom, I would say it’s inevitable. In the digital world, I will try to promote digital learning as much as possible because its fun to learn via technology. There are different learning apps kids use to improve literacy, reading, math’s by using Raz kids, Mathletics, Epic or any other learning apps. I observed that kids enjoy learning through any digital apps.

Another good point is that, It’s convenient to reach out to parents using digital tools; Edsby/ Seesaw or through any other digital apps, approved by their school division.





(hyperlinked in MS)

These days, we can’t ignore the importance of including digital learning, but we have to be aware of the challenges we can come across. I believe we’re one global community, but it requires a big responsibility for how to use it properly. In my opinion, each parent/adult needs to teach their kids about some healthy boundaries and safety concerns. If we teach our kids about digital boundaries and a responsible use of media, it can be helpful to keep balance in our life.
Toni Bates in his open textbook, Teaching in a Digital Age talks about how to keep balance in the digital age. In the topic,  About the book and how to use it,  he explains about the use of technology as, “It’s about helping your students to develop the knowledge and skills they will need; not so much digital skills but thinking and knowledge that will bring them success in a digital age.”



(Book Title & the title page was linked using MS)

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