I know you’ve heard that having fun isn’t hard when you’ve got a library card, but did you also know the library makes it easy to learn new skills online?
Long ago, Arthur and friends sang the praises of the public library’s print resources. But in 2024, the library is also home to a wide range of digital resources including streaming sites, apps, and ebooks – all of which could help you with your learning project!
Up until now, I’ve done most of my learning for my learning project by watching short painting tutorials posted to social media sites like Instagram and TikTok. These have been really helpful and I’ve gotten to learn from some great artists, but I was curious about what longer form content was out there and decided to check out what Regina Public Library had to offer in terms of online resources.
As always, the library did not disappoint! A quick search of RPL’s digital resource offerings led me to a database called Creativebug. According to the RPL website, library users can use Creativebug to access “thousands of videos from experienced instructors and learn to craft and create your own projects; the only limit is your time and imagination”. Basically, Creativebug is the online arts and crafts school of your dreams: thousands of video lessons taught by professional artists on just about any kind of craft, visual art, and DIY medium you can think of.

RPL + Creativebug login page
From there, you can choose from all kinds of video courses that are categorized by medium, level, video length, etc.