That’s all, folks!

That's all, folks!
Nailed it, Bugs.

Well, this is it…the last blog post for EC&I 834!  

I couldn’t be happier that this, my first ed. tech. course, was my third class of my program – I learned so many things that I know will be helpful to me throughout the rest of my program (and, of course, in my classroom).

I won’t bore you with restating everything my summary of learning video explains, but rather I’ll philosophically expand on it…

Thank you, Douglas Adams

Going into this class, I knew I was about to greatly expand my tech-in-class horizons and I was really excited about that, but I told myself to learn a few (of the many) tools well and it will serve me well. That and my take on a piece of advice from The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy: DON’T GET OVERWHELMED. My little mantras paid off. It truly can be overwhelming to think of all the ways to enhance blended or online learning and to doubt that I’m doing enough in my classes. So, with each week’s class, I identified resources that best aligned with the courses I teach and focused a little bit more closely on those. In the end, I found a great handful of tools that I felt would be beneficial for my classroom and I leaned into them as the guilt/programming to not rely of the creations of others dissipated and I focused on choosing the right media for each module (8.6), even if that meant learning to and creating it myself.  

Additionally, each week’s class was a new focus I never knew I needed. From learning what an LMS is, to being introduced to new tools, to OER’s, to video creation and purpose, there was always a majorly beneficial aspect to each class. I’m also glad we didn’t exhaust any of the topics or tools because that left room for curiosity and led me to further that professional development for myself in certain areas. I have a passion for planning and innovating, and a new branch of that passion sprouted and grew immensely throughout this semester, so the motivation came easy to do the hard work of learning more to do better. 

learning pieces & teachers

I always start each semester off by telling my students that despite them all being in the same classroom, every single one of them is going to experience my class differently for a variety of reasons (personal background/experiences, what content lands with them, what doesn’t land with them, etc.). Now, at the end of our course, I can’t wait to read the blog posts of summaries of learning to see how each of us experienced this course a little bit differently from one another. The four teachers I learned from in this course, Katia, other participants of this course, course readings/articles, and myself, all added to my positive personal experience in EC&I 834 and professional growth over the past 13 weeks. 

Enjoy my summary of learning video and feel free to comment on anything you deem noteworthy or related to!

Summary of learning video:

Transcript of video made with




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