Final project: Digital Literacy 10 (a course prototype of sorts)
Hi everyone! I am including the digital copy of my final project, as well as a brief video walkthrough/summary. Technology on both my personal and work computer were not cooperating at all in finalizing this project (I added about 6 hours to my project just trying to figure out what the problem was), so a significant paring down and take 500 of my video is what you see. I have never used Loom before, but nothing else was working for recording my walkthrough, so I unexpectedly got to learn a new screen recording program (although I admit I did not play around too much with it because frustration was high by this last resort). Anyway, I hope you enjoy my final project and thank you all for a wonderful semester. Cheers!
Youtube link here
BACK UP LINK: Loom link here
Final project (digital copy) here