Final Networked Learning Post

 Throughout this class, I have been trying my best to contribute to others’ learning. In the PowerPoint I created, you will be able to see some screenshots as evidence of how I helped others. I know I did comment on more blogs than shown, but being me, I forgot to screenshot them and finding them at the end of the semester is not a fun task. 

In my First blog post Building A Band Of Instruments Karley Van De Sype commented and asked me what songs I was looking to learn. I replied with a couple of songs and my reasoning for choosing them.  I forgot to add this into my initial blog post so I am very glad that someone asked me my plans.

In my blog post Goodbye to Videos… For Now Carson Sombach commented on my post this week. He explained that he was also learning to play the ukulele. My previous post where I talked about how I used the app Yousicain and loved it gave him the idea to try next.

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