Professional Development Plans

Treaty Education:

One of my goals as a future educator is planning thoughtful lessons surrounding Canada’s treaties and Indigenous/settler relationships. I want my students to understand what it means to be a treaty person in Canada, and understand why learning about the treaties is important.


  • I will take the time to get to know my students: Who is their family? What do they celebrate? What do they like to do on the weekends? What’s important to them?
  • I will demonstrate my support towards LGBTQ+ students and staff by using inclusive language, paying attention to pro-nouns, correcting misunderstandings, and communicating that my classroom is a safe space for everyone.
  • I will offer literature, games, audio and visuals that represent more than traditional colonial narratives and norms.
  • I will decorate my classroom with student-made decorations.

Lesson Planning:

  • Giving myself time to create lessons that represent my students’ strengths and needs.