Every classroom that I have visited at Seven Stones school does an amazing job or showing that it is a safe space for all. They have a poster in every classroom that shows that Regina Public Schools are committed to ensuring schools are safe and inclusive. When it came to teaching actual lessons, I didn’t see any direct inclusive practices towards gender or identity. However, they did a great job of making lessons available for diverse learners to be included how they needed. During reading time, I helped student A read a book that was at his reading level instead of asking him to struggle alone.
I didn’t see many lessons needing to be directly towards EAL learners. But I did see a lot of Indigenous words around the school and classrooms. I enjoyed seeing that this was taught and honoured.
Again, I didn’t actively see any sexual diverse activities/events. But in the last classroom I was in, there was a couple posters on the wall LBGT novels so kids can get them to read. We also got to participate and learn about smudging before we started our afternoon. It was amazing to hear about the history and reasoning for smudging from the principal. Very grateful we got to do this.