Hello! My name is Jordyn, I am in the elementary education program and I should be all done at the end of 2025! It took me a while to get to this decision of wanting to be a teacher but I couldn’t be more pleased with this journey and looking back it all makes sense that I am here now. I am a very busy body person and love to be doing something at all times. I’m a full time student, competitive cheerleader and have three jobs on the go as well. I’m also very crafty and a big animal lover. I have four pets and there are all named after Friends characters!
I am excited for this class as I love learning more about technology and media! I am all aboard on the idea of blogging and am making it my goal to be more active with this blog. I loved creating this eportfolio and hope to continue growing with it for my future in this career.
A random fact to share about me is I LOVE all music types! Any genre I will listen to and 99% of the time will enjoy it. Here is a link to one of my most favourite songs!
Porch Swing Angel – Muscadine Bloodline