RIP Fingers! – Pen Spinning

I was at work yesterday, and it was not busy. So, I figured I could finally watch the pen spinning tutorial by 52Kards. The tutorial itself is extremely easy to follow. The narrator is informative on what they are saying, plus they are using a normal pen as opposed to using a special pen. Pen spinning is definitely challenging!

Finger coordination is a must when you are trying to make tricks. It is to make sure the pens do not fly everywhere! The tutorial that I have watched is different from I have been doing!

This is the trick that I always do:

As you could see, the technique is different from what I am used to do. It is challenging in a way that I am trying to have my fingers coordinate differently!

Although not polished, here is my attempt in this particular pen spinning trick!

With more practice, I could definitely master this type of pen spinning!

As the video of mine stated, a lot of factors can come into play when trying to do pen spinning:

  • The type of pen you are using
  • The flexibility of the fingers
  • and the finger-pen coordination

For next week, I will try to polish my newly acquired trick and, if I need to, I will purchase a modified pen specifically used for pen spinning!

4 thoughts on “RIP Fingers! – Pen Spinning”

    1. Thank you! and it really does help me in classroom attentiveness since the clicking of pens extremely distracts me! this a great alternative!

  1. This is actually very cool. My little brother mastered the spinner and soon he could spin practically anything, he caught my attention as he had so much agility with his little 9-year-old hands. These types of exercises work parts of your mind that are not usually worked. Great way to exercise your brain!

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