Learning Pen Spinning!

Pen tricks are what I like to do during lectures. Not only it impresses me, but probably the person behind me is too! I am very conscious of the noises during a lecture, specifically the noises that I make. The clicking of pens I make (I have a multi-pen so I make a lot of clicking noises). Pen spinning is quiet and it is impressive, so I am going to learn it!

Cropped image of woman in blue shirt Hold pen in your hand. pen spinning
Photo by pavel siamionov on Adobe Stock

Right now I can do a basic pen spinning using my fingers. However, my fingers are very stiff, and I have been doing the same, boring, basic spinning trick in forever!




I want to expand my pen spinning skills, so that I can be like these guys! Someday!


Before I reach this level of proficiency, I have to start with the basics. Since I have knowledge of how my fingers coordinate with the pen, I think I could start with actual different tricks. I found this pen spin tutorial by 52Kards. I will start from there and work my way through actual pen spinning tricks.

Hopefully by the end I could show a video of my polished, pen spinning skill!

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