Week #4 Summary

Learning Circle:

is available in a different blog post. CLICK HERE!

Co-Constructing Rubrics (Sucess Criteria)

I really find it interesting whenever we practice the things in the assessment book. I found this Co-Constructing rubric really helpful both as a student and as a teacher. I found it helpful as a teacher because it kind of releases the burden of thinking about what you are expecting from your students. I find it helpful as a student because it gives me a responsibility to live up to the expectations that I have set for myself.

Buddy Journal

The question proposed about this activity is “What is the meaning and significance of this?” I think the meaning is that we as teachers should be aware of the culture around us. This flag, now that I researched about it, is the Metis flag. As I stated in the journal, I was not sure what kind of flag it was but I knew it was an Indigenous flag. However, I stated the importance of the flag to its people. Both me and my partner were drawn to the potential significance of the infinity symbol. We both had unique answers, but our answers depended on our beliefs and worldview. With all of this, I believe the significance of buddy journals is to bring different perspectives and have them clash and influence each other. When we are allowed to think for ourselves as opposed to in a group where some people just agree to everything. I remember experiencing this type of grouping. I believe it is called a “collective learning” group. Within this group, students partake in individual projects. Students will then meet with their collective learning groups to share their findings. This way, students learn individually as well as learn from others. Additionally, since students are doing individual projects, their contribution to the group will be uniquely different from one another.

Cultural Inclusion Survey

I am a strong believer in inclusion. As an immigrant, it wasn’t easy to adjust when I first arrived in Canada. The classroom environment (and the whole Canada vibe) felt so different from the Philippines. It took some time until I was fully adjusted to how things were going. It also helped that my classmates and teachers were very understanding that these are all new to me. I am a strong believer in good karma. I felt the welcome of my peers and teachers which is why my goal is to do the same for my future students.

I found some of these questions do not apply to my situation right now because I do not have my classroom yet. However, I would love to have a classroom where I attempt to be inclusive. How am I going to do this? I will ask for help from my students! Nobody in the world knows who we are except for ourselves! Instead of assuming what cultures and/or traditions my students practice, why not just ask them? I strive to create a culturally responsive environment for my students.


This week touched on co-constructing and cultures, so the symbol that I have chosen is a jersey. Jersey represents coming together as a group and planning and celebrating things as a group. In Co-Constructing criteria, we work with our students (like a team) toward everyone’s success. This is like a sports team planning tactics to win the match. In cultures, we come together as people to acknowledge and celebrate each other’s cultures.

Football Jersey
Photo by Rob on Adobe Stock

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