Learning Project Post #10

My last update on my crochet project!

Last week, I levelled up from cute, round stuffies, and started working on a collared shirt/sweater.

I had my front and back panels complete last week, and talked about having to unravel and redo the project a few times.

This week, I sewed the two panels together for a lovely tank top vibe, and worked on the waistband.  I completely finished the waistband, took a look at it and thought, I can do better than this.  So after hours of work, I unraveled it and restarted.  There were lots of loose stitches and it was very uneven.

It was sad to unravel, but I am SO glad I redid this section.  The stitches aren’t perfect but much more uniform and tidy.

My next task was to wind my last skein of yarn for this project.  I tried to loop it around the armrests of my car so it didn’t get tangled.  That… didn’t work.  So I laid it out on my bed and just kept the yarn loose to avoid tangles.  It still took an hour or so, and I know there’s gotta be a better way! This winding excursion was much better than  my last two, and I’m quite proud of my little rolled up ball 😀

I started thinking that I like the way it looks without sleeves, but I’m making one just to see how it looks!

I’m pretty happy overall with my little sweater, and I’m excited to finish it 🙂  I will finish the sleeves and then start work on the collar, and it will be all finished!

One thought on “Learning Project Post #10”

  1. Hey Kelsey,
    Your sweater looks amazing! I couldn’t imagine unraveling all that hard work but you did a great job redoing it!

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