Professional Networking in 280 Characters

Cute twitter bird tweeting a message.

I have always had a Twitter account, but I didn’t really know how to use it. One day my account logged me out and I didn’t even have the desire to reactivate it. When I saw for this class we would be creating a Twitter account I got excited because this meant I could actually learn how to use this platform. Going forward I think Twitter is something I will use continuously. The networking that comes from this platform is what I as a future teacher want. Teaching is a constantly evolving profession and having people to turn to with questions is a great resource to keep in my back pocket. Being able to use hashtags to find the information I’m looking for is a quick and easy way to look for ideas and tips to implement in the classroom. I also really love how easy it is to talk with complete strangers. It has this sense of being informal yet formal at the same time.

As for using it in the classroom I am a little skeptical. I would have to look more into the restrictions I could put on it as an educator.  I don’t necessarily think social media has a place in the classroom. I am an early year’s educator so that probably alters my opinion a little bit. Maybe if I was in the secondary program or even the middle years I could see a logical place for Twitter in the classroom, but as for Elementary I think it would be a little too risky for my liking

After taking part in the Sask Ed Chat on Thursday I realized how big of a network there is out there for me to connect with. The whole thing took an hour of my life and the information and discussions being had were super informative. I think something like the Sask Ed Chat is a great choice for professional development. It is easy and can be done from the comfort of your home. Teachers do not have time. That is the biggest thing I hear from active teachers. I think a Sask Ed Chat could be a quick PD opportunity that lots of teachers could benefit from.  I plan to do another one in the future for sure.

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