I Get Distracted Easily…

January 29, 2024 0 By Kelsey Haas

While thinking about my daily tech habits, I have come to the realization that I use technology a lot…. probably too much. I find myself spending most of my day on my phone or laptop for useless purposes. Looking at my phone I spend an average of 6-8 hours on it everyday and those hours ranged in that for the last 3 weeks.

I don’t really use my phone for school purposes besides doing some quick research. I find that what takes up most of my time on my phone is TikTok, Snapchat, and Pinterest. I find TikTok’s fun to watch and I have a few people that I watch their lives because they are quite entertaining! I use Snapchat to talk to my friends so I find I am also on that quite a bit during my day. I use Pinterest for new meal ideas or really ideas for anything. I have found many useful activities on Pinterest that would be great to use in a classroom. I find that Pinterest doesn’t distract me from doing things I need to get done, however TikTok and Snapchat does. I find myself watching TikTok thinking 5 minutes has past when in reality an hour has gone past. So these decrease my productivity a lot during the day, however I am trying to be better about not getting so distracted on them and spending more time being productive!

I have some apps that I find help keep me organized and remind me what needs to get done. The first one is just the regular Notes app on my iPhone. At the beginning pf the week I will set a schedule for myself of what assignments I am going to do each day so that everything gets done and it’s not overwhelming doing it all in one day. The next app I have found to be useful is the Reminders app also on my iPhone. I will use this if I find myself being a bit forgetful. I will set a reminder to pop up in my notifications to finish an assignment the day before it is due.

I am going to try my best to maintain a healthy balance between academic and extra screen time. I will try not to be on TikTok so much as I find that is my #1 distraction. Rather I will try to start my day with getting homework done then once I am finished I will be free to use any other platform that would’ve otherwise distracted me from doing my homework.