Learning Words

April 2, 2024 0 By Kelsey Haas

This week I wanted to start learning some more words that I think would be useful to know in Spanish. I found a great website that shows the English word next to the Spanish word. It starts out with showing basic words, then moves into basic questions, greetings, verbs, people, and weather words. I didn’t focus on the weather or family words because I find the others to be more important for the reason I am wanting to learn Spanish. I also don’t have the brain power to learn all those words this week!

I love the setup of this website. The different parts are sectioned off nicely and there isn’t a lot going on which makes it easier to focus on the words. I find websites with a lot of pictures or colours to be more distracting which makes it harder for me to learn. The way the words are next to each other is great.

Spanish Words


The only thing I wish this website had was an audio tool next to the words. Having an audio button to hear how the word is pronounced would make the learning process faster and easier. I have heard these words before so I did somewhat know how to say them but I still resorted to google translate if I wasn’t 100% sure of the pronunciation. Other than this, I would highly recommend this website for learning Spanish words. It is just formatted nicely and the words are useful and basic. Some websites like to include a lot of fancy words but that is not what I’m looking for which is why the basic one is better for me!