Hello everyone and welcome to the beginning of my EDTC journey! First thing first I would love for everyone to get to know a little bit about me. I do have an About Me page you can read as well but I will provide a brief rundown here as well! I grew up in a small town and attended the same school (of about 300 kids) all the way from kindergarten to grade 12. Throughout school I had A LOT of great teachers who actually inspired me to become a teacher myself. In high school, I was in so many clubs and sports that my teacher actually became more like friends than teacher and my entire class was very close and we were like our own little family.
Part of this ties into the small town community mentality. This mentality has also kept me very involved in the community as throughout high school I worked at a local hair salon and I am still very involved with the rink volunteering in the booth (or canteen whatever you want to call it) and I coach the towns Learn to Skate/Power Skating program. My involvement with the rink began from when I first started hockey in pre-novice and if it wasn’t for covid, I would currently be playing Adult Safe (A rec hockey league). I know I talked a lot about high school (maybe I peaked in high school who knows) but I am currently in denial that I am an adult now (internally I feel like I am 16) and seeing I just turned twenty this month I should really come to terms with this sooner or later.
As, you can tell community is very important to me and to go along with that my family is also very important to me. I am very fortunate to live very close to both sets of grandparents and also my great grandma. In normal times, when I would go back to my hometown of weekends we would go to each grandparents house for supper – and of course they would always send me food and goodies to take back to my apartment (I am so spoiled). I am also very close with my older brother, younger brother, and my younger sister because growing up with that many siblings you always had someone to hang out with. Even though I am close with them, that doesn’t mean we don’t fight! I moved into my older brothers apartment this year which has been an experience to say the least. I really didn’t pick a good time for us to attempt living together when we are both always home doing university online.
I would say that my experiences with educational technologies are very limited. The only piece of educational technology I can really think of right now is Kahoot because that is the only technology my past teachers used. I suppose twitter would be another one – which I am also not very experienced using. Of course I use and are very familiar with most other forms of social media like, Instagram, Tik Tok (I am going to apologize in advance because I will probably talk a lot about thing I’ve seen on tik tok), Snapchat, Pinterest, but not Twitter. However, I am excited to become a twitter pro (enjoy my shamless plug to my twitter) by the end of this class. To go along with the current theme, my blogging experiences have been limited to just a couple classes and I’ve never really embraced to blogging lifestyle if you will. I really just wrote regular paragraph responses and posted them to the blog. I’ve always thought about how much fun it would be to be a vlogger so I have a feeling I have to potential to really get into blogging over this semester.
I look forward to getting to know everyone better over the semester and seeing everyone grow into educational technology pro’s!
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