My Teaching Journey

Operation Strength Training: Podcast Edition

  • concept of sports training

If you haven’t already, you can go check out my blog post that documents my experience using Anchor to create my podcast for this week!

I’ve always thought my friends and I should start a podcast because, you know, we are so funny. Now here I am learning the ropes of podcasts to share this weeks strength training update with you and learning how podcasts can be used as an educational tool!

As you heard in my podcast, I actually dragged my butt to my apartment gym! It felt strange to not include any visual aspects so enjoy this short video of me taking my temperature so that I could actually go into the gym and then the one morning the gym was empty when I got there so I took a gym tour video!

I was actually excited that the gym was empty when I got there because I thought I would be able to video some of my workout to include but at the end of the video someone walked in (you can see me look over at them right at the end of the video bahaha) so then it would have just been too awkward to video myself.


  1. Alexandra Crammond

    Hi Kassia,
    I really enjoyed listening to your podcast! Very entertaining and made me laugh! Congrats on making it to the gym, I know I struggle getting my butt there some days as well. If you need some good stretches you should look into Hatha yoga. Its a slow yoga sequence of deep stretches that would probably help you recover from your strength training! Keep up the good work!

    • Kassia Nameth

      Hey Alexandra
      I figured my podcast might get some laughs because I literally had the giggles when I added the sound effects in. I will definitely look into Hatha yoga, deep stretches sound perfect because my muscles are always very tight and sore for like two whole days after my workouts. Thanks for the suggestion!

  2. Janelle

    Hey Kassia!
    I’m glad you were able to use Anchor to document your learning for this week! In your other blog post where you described your experience with Anchor, you included great screenshots and screen recordings of the step-by-step process you followed! That would be super helpful for anyone wanting to try out Anchor!
    It soundalike your making some good progress with your learning project… The gym in your apartment looks awesome, what a great place to go workout!

    • Kassia Nameth

      Hi Janelle!
      It’s a pretty sweet little gym for sure! It always seems to be busy because with covid rules there can only be three people in there at a time. So, I was pretty pumped when it was actually empty and I could do a video tour!

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