Learning Through Living

A Look into AI Learning in the Classroom

This week we were to look at an AI tool that we could use in a classroom setting. I decided to try out Speechify which is an AI reading program. My intrigue with this website stems from my own struggles with reading throughout my elementary and high school experience. I could always read the words on the page however, it took a lot of concentration and would result in a very slow reading process. This intense concentration would also hinder my retention at times due to the fact I was spending so much energy just reading what the words said. After finding out that I had mild dyslexia a sense of relief rushed over me as I realized it wasn’t that I couldn’t read it was just that I had a learning disability that made it slightly harder for me than others to read the same thing.

At times, still to this day, I find myself reading the words with my eyes but having a completely different conversation in my head about what homework I am going to do next, or if the dog got fed etc., only to realize that I just “read” three paragraphs. I then have to go back and re-read them, which adds to the time spent reading. I have found that putting background noise on the TV or playing music helps with this, however, it can prove to be just as distracting at times.

So once again this is why I wanted to try Speechify, it gives me the opportunity to listen to the text but also visualize it as it it being read to me. You can upload any number of pdfs or text files for the program to read, which is super helpful.


As seen in the photo, when the AI is reading, there is a highlighted section which allows you to follow along. In addition to this you are able to pick the speed with which you choose to have the AI speak. This is very helpful for people like me who are slower readers.


The final section that I want to discuss is the ask AI feature. Here you can ask any number of questions about the text and within an instant get an answer.


In terms of using Speechify in the classroom, I think it would be great for students, like me who had a little difficulty with focus while reading, as well as for those who read at a slower pace. The ask AI feature can also be used as a helpful tool for students to summarize longer pieces of work but also as a form of a check. What I mean by this is I could have the students summarize a piece of writing on their own and then go online to the AI tool, to check their summarize and see if they have missed anything. As mentioned about the AI tool can also be helpful for deciphering theme and other literary items that a present within the text.

Overall, I think Speechify is great and I can see myself using it not only for personal use but also as a enhancement in my classroom. Personally, I believe in AI as a form of augmentation for a students learning but I do no this it should take over the creative process of writing an essay or being the only way students find literary devices. These are important skills for students to learn and be able to use but if they use AI as a form of aid to this I think it is no different then using Google to help you research.

Thanks for reading, see you next week!


  1. Amanda Amy

    Hey Kyle,
    I am the same way with reading, even when reading novels I am interested in or articles I have chosen because they interest me, I find my brain wandering off to things that are not related to what I am reading. I have learned this very well could be a trait of ADHD, which I am super self-diagnosed with… but if the shoe fits. This is why I favour online textbooks because they usually have the read-aloud feature, so it is very exciting that there is an AI for that! I have to choose a faster speed even though I am a slow reader on my own, and generally also need to have some type of not distracting background noise (songs that are not from musical type noise).
    I like to read posts like this to know I am not alone in this world haha! And glad that you enjoy this AI feature.

  2. Ashley Cox

    Hey Kyle!

    This is such a great resource. How you described your reading style, is exactly how I would describe mine! I’ve always struggled with reading long journal articles because I need to read every word on the paper, but my mind also drifts off. I have found that if I combine visually reading while listening to someone else read it, I can retain the information so much better. This AI tool is going to save me so much time and frustration!

  3. Lauren Buist

    Hi Kyle,
    What a great tool to have in your resource bank for students that need it!

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