Finger Knitting?

Finger Knitting?

Overall, my knitting project has just been ok. I am still continuing to work on my dishcloth and it feels as if it is taking forever. I feel like the next thing I need to work on is building my knitting stamina. I have no problems sitting down to knit, but my hands get sore after knitting 1 row so I never really get much done in 1 sitting. However, I recently learned about a different kind of knitting that may need to be on my to-do list of what I learn next. I came across a video online (I can’t remember which social media platform) that showed a person knitting with their fingers! What? I wish I had seen this option before I tried knitting with the needles. After this, I started my finger knitting search and found out that you only need 2 things to start.

  1. Yarn. It can be any kind of yarn. Thick or thin. The possibilities are endless.
  2. Fingers. Luckily I have 10!

I consulted the trusty YouTube to figure out how this worked. I clicked on the first legitimate option and chose to use that video. The title: “How to Finger Knit For Beginners” sounded exactly like what I needed. This video was part of a two-part series however I chose to only view this first video to learn the basics. I’ve included this video below.

This video provides a great written description on screen for what I needed to be doing to learn the skill. I appreciated the written instructions as I could easily rewind the video to exactly where I needed to. I also enjoyed how the video was close up to the creator’s hand, and that they used a thicker type of yarn which was more easily visible. This creator made sure to go slow while they were demonstrating what to do, and as a visual learner, this made it easy to follow along.

I’ve also included an image of what this is supposed to look like once you have looped the yarn over your fingers and continued to knit for a while. The one thing I do wonder about this type of knitting is if you have the ability to stop and come back to it the next day. Or do you need to finish the project as it is stuck on your hands? That is what I especially like about knitting with the needles is after you are finished a row, you can come back to it in 10 minutes, an hour, or a day and pick right back up where you left off. I can see finger knitting being something I would consider using to make a chunkier type of blanket that is in style at the moment. Overall, a neat new skill to practice and add to the list of things I am able to do if I wish!

4 thoughts on “Finger Knitting?

  1. Lauren!
    Finger knitting looks so cool! I can imagine it would be tricky to start, but I feel like it would be so calming. As a kid, I loved wrapping things around my fingers, and finger knitting might just hit that inner child in a good way. Very neat find.

    1. Hi Kelsey, thanks for the reply! I too can relate to enjoying wrapping things around my fingers as a child and currently. I thought the finger knitting reminded me of the “cats cradle” game I played as a child with yarn. If you haven’t tried it out, possibly another way to hit that inner child!

  2. Hey Lauren,
    Finger knitting is also something I have never heard of but I’m enticed to try it after reading your blog! I think I may try this out because I feel like it could be a great distraction when I’m stressed haha!
    – Kelsey H.

  3. Hi Lauren,
    This looks so interesting! This made me think of the trend that was really popular last year where people were knitting blankets with their arms. Would the end product be a scarf?
    Thanks for sharing,

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