As we move on to our ninth week of learning I decided to stick with youtube. But I switched it up and did a video with Kassandra instead of Adriene. I actually enjoy both of these ladies and their yoga videos. Here is the video that I did with Kassandra.
The video was really easy to follow along with. I even felt confident enough to make my own little video of my favourite part of this session! In the background you can hear Kassandra’s voice since I was playing the video. You can just ignore that part!
In the video, I’m going from downward dog to cobra pose. Before today I had never done these two poses in this combination and it was actually really fun!
This pose that I am about to show next really reminds me of my figure skating days. I stopped quite a few years ago but this pose really reminds me of how balance is so important. My left leg is in the air and my right arm is holding onto my foot. And believe me, this is harder than it looks. I have always considered myself to have good balance…….until this pose came along. I was only able to hold this for a few seconds, and I couldn’t even hold it long enough with my right food/left hand in the air to take a picture. Maybe next week I’ll do some balance yoga, if that’s even a thing.

Photo By Me
At the end of Kassandra’s video she asks how you are feeling in this moment and how you would like to feel for the rest of the day. Surprisingly this was the hardest part of the whole video for me. I’m really good at shoving my emotions down and yoga has a way of bringing them to the surface. All I could really think was that I was angry. Angry about what I’m not really sure, but just that I was angry and how I didn’t want to spend my whole day being angry. It can be so hard to focus on the good in this world when it seems like so many bad things are constantly happening. I recognize that I am a lot more fortunate than so many other people in this world, but its like that saying. The grass is always greener on the other side.
The other day I was reading a book and the characters were talking about how you should be able to think of five wonderful things and if you can’t, go on an adventure until you can think of five wonderful things. I truly believe that this world can use a whole lot more of mindfullness.
Have a great day everyone and remember to create joy in your life 😉