Over the course of the semester I have been been very active on social media, more than I usually am. I was the most active on Twitter, commenting on blog posts and creating my own blog posts. All of these sources provided me with the opportunity to get to know my classmates better, and expand my knowledge on becoming a teacher.
Twitter was not something I had used before this class, but I’m happy I had the opportunity to do so. Twitter is like any online source, it is effective when used correctly. At first I was so surprised at how many other educators are on Twitter. I tried to comment on my peers post everyday as well as share some resources but there were some days were I was too busy to do so.

My Twitter Profile
At a first glance of my profile, you get the basic info on me. I’m a future teacher, I’m a horse girl and you can see my pronouns.

Twitter feed

Twitter feed
Here are some examples of my peers reacting to my posts. The list can continue for a long time – or you can view my Twitter here.

Twitter posts

Twitter posts
And here are some examples of the Tweets I have retweeted. My favourite thing about using Twitter was getting to see how some of my classmates would implement certain techniques into the classroom. It’s so great to see what works effectively and what doesn’t.
Blog posts is where I got to share my thoughts about our weekly discussions and my journey of yoga. I liked reading my classmates posts on the weekly discussions as they offered a different viewpoint than my own. It was also nice to give my peers encouragement on their learning projects.

Edusites activity
Here is a small example of what shows on my edusites page. From this you can see some of my most recent blog posts and what posts some of my peers have commented on.



Here are some examples of the comments I made. I tried to comment on as many blog posts as possible.

My blog posts

My blog posts
Here you can see all the posts I have made. It took me a little bit to get used to blogging but now I almost think of it as writing a letter to myself – it is just a way of putting down my thoughts.
Record Sheet on Comments I’ve Made I did my best to keep a record sheet on the all the comments I made. It is very vague but it gives an idea on how active I was on social media.
Although this course was online, there was still lots of opportunity to be interactive with my peers. I believe we can always learn something each other, especially when we are in a group like this. We are all different ages with different backgrounds. I know that I am walking away from this course with a whole new perspective of social media and just how beneficial it can be.