Blogging Fail
Posted On January 27, 2021
*I thought I posted this yesterday, but I only saved it as a draft and did not publish it. So I changed my title to blogging fail*

First Time Blogging
I am pretty new to the concept of blogging. I never really got into it or social media at all. During my first year, we did start our online portfolio and I did try blogging for that year. I found it difficult to keep updating and posting the whole time. I am trying to encourage myself to continue blogging into my teaching career. I will take any advice about how to edit or run a blog that you can give me. Please reach out through the comments below or my Twitter.
Getting to Know Me

I thought I would introduce myself through some fun facts! If you want to learn more about me, you can go to my All About Me page.
- I am in my fourth year and the final semester of elementary education.
- I have one dog named Noël. She is a very energetic and lovable bundle of joy. She also believes she is a lap dog!
- My favorite movie of all time is Lord of the Rings
- I am into 90’s alternative rock music (E.g. Creep by Radiohead and Say It Ain’t So by Weezer) If you know any other good songs, please feel free to reach out!
One Comment
Hi! I also found it hard to keep up with the blogging (and still do) It does get easier the longer you do it. Also don’t hesitate to ask if you have any questions! What do you like about 90’s alternative rock? do you listen to other types of music?