Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.

EDTC 300- About me & My experiences with educational technologies.

Hello everyone and welcome to my blog.

I am Amberlee Dayman and I am entering my third year in the elementary education program. I was born and raised on a large cattle farm in southeast Saskatchewan. I grew up in a large supportive family that really shaped me info the person I have become. And when I say large I mean LARGE. I completed my K-12 education at Kipling School. Thought my school years I was very involved in extra curricular sports like hockey and volleyball and also a few clubs like 4-h and Student Leadership Council. Since graduating high school I have continued to stay very busy with work and extra curricular. I currently work as an Educational Assiastant in an Indigenous school which has really exposed me to student diversity. You might be thinking surprise surprise another individual who went to a small town rural school where they weren’t exposed to many diverse learners……… and you would be completely right. You can read more about this in my past blog post. However my new job as an educational assistant has allowed me to learn a lot about myself as a future educator.

You may be wondering why I want to become a teacher and that a great question. Ever since elementary school I have always wanted to become a teacher however I have never really known why. If you ask my parent they might say because I like to be a bit bossy…….. but I highly doubt that’s why. I have always loved being involved with young children they seem to always keep things real with their blunt honesty and I appreciate that. I also love the positive attitude young students bring to the classroom. Often to a young student enjoy school and the educators at school which I feel makes the job so enjoyable. So I guess you could say it’s my love for young kids that has brought me into this career path.

Since beginning grade school to entering university I have seen a massive increase in technology use in the classroom. In high school I was never a super tech person however university and online learning has really challenged me to develop my tech skills. Online learning has shown me the importance of tech in the classroom so I decided to enrol in EDTC to further understand the role of tech in the classroom. I haven’t really had much exposure to educational technology outside of creating this blog so I am excited to explore technology through this course.

1 Comment

  1. Sarah Breti

    Hi Amberlee,

    I really enjoyed your post and I love the part where you said you love being involved with young children and because they seem to keep things real and blunt. I also love this about children and it is one of the reasons I want to teach younger years! You seem to always be learning something new with them that you never thought about otherwise!

    Cant wait to read more!

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