For week 5 of my ASL learning project I focused on the months of the year, the days of the week and a few weather characteritics. This week I tried to challenge myself and use unique resources to learn. In this process I was able to find a discover an entire new ASL learning community. I began my learning project for the week by creating a Tok Tok account. I know weird I’m a 19 year old without a Tik Tok account or at least I was. 😉 Once I downloaded the app I went to the search option and typed in ASL. I was completely astonished to see how many results I found. I started to scroll through the content and it seemed like I could almost learn any ASL I had very imagined thought Tik Tok. I had discovered a thriving ASL learning community in the most unexpected place. I decided to refine my search to a more specific topic and see the resources I could find. I managed to find one account that had a great learning video for the months of the year. I followed along with this video and watched it numerous times till I eventually caught on. I really liked this resource because the women verbally talked out the actions and demonstrated the signs clearly. The other main resource I used for this weeks learning was the YouTube Channel Learn How To Sign. I have used this channel in previous week but I seem to always come back to it. The women in the video does a lot of verbal explanation and she always describes and demonstrates each sign couple of times. I would 10/10 recommend this YouTube Channel to any ASL learners.

Reflecting back on this weeks learning experience I would defiantly consider this a win. I had the opportunity to discover a thriving ASL learning community which will definitely help me in my future learning ASL. I also learned not of content in a responsible time frame thanks to the great online resources I found. Next week I plan to review my learning this far and then create a plan to continue my learning. Thanks for following along on my ASL journey.
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