- To build a safe environment so students can express themselves in a clear and effective way
- I need to encourage learning in different ways rather than just one way
- I need to accept the fact that I’m not perfect and that I will make mistakes
- That teachers should be open to being inclusive teachers
- That everyone deserves the right to pursue education on any level
- I provide an inviting atmosphere so that anyone who enters my classroom will feel comfortable
- That students needs should be met in the classroom
- That learning is a lifelong process and learning something doesn’t occur overnight
- That I need to get to know my students and who they are in order to be an effective teacher
- That both students and teachers have the opportunity to learn from each other
- Social aspects of the classroom are as equally impotent as intellectual
- To recognize and respect treaty education in all of our classrooms
- Teachers should do their best to avoid segregation in classrooms
- Teachers must understand and appreciate students’ learning and developmental needs
- We need to allow kids to learn both inside of school, but also from outside experiences
“Do or do not, there is no try” Yoda