Edonline is a great resource for any students or teacher who are involved with grades K-9 education. This resource emphasizes Truth and Reconciliation and is a great resource for any teacher to use in their lesson planning.
Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada is obviously a huge resource when it comes to this topic. it gives many resources on the topic and puts this issue into a bigger picture. After reading this webpage, I’ve actually learned a whole lot in a short amount of time. It would be useful for any teacher to use in a classroom setting.
Truth and Reconciliation: Stories from Residential School Survivors is a great little video that has the ability to give students the insight on Canadian history. The video emphasizes why these issues need to put into history textbooks and the importance of the issue.
“It is not “forgive and forget” as if nothing wrong had ever happened, but “forgive and go forward,” building on the mistakes of the past and the energy generated by reconciliation to create a new future.” Alan Paton