“Feedly” my Knowledge!

January 31, 2021 0 By slb257

I knew right away that I wanted to find blogs or resources that will help build my knowledge around students with disabilities or adaptations in the classroom. I am also searching for other educational tips/or tricks that will help me as a first year teacher. With my previous experience of being an Educational Assistant, I know that it is vital to have my classroom as inclusive as possible!

I was not having much luck with my “keywords” on feedly, but thankfully, @Trista Kennett was able to help me. She suggested that I google search first then enter the ones I found and liked onto feedly. That seemed to do the trick! I also have many teacher friends from my previous experience who share on facebook or who I can asked what blogs/books/articles they have found helpful and add to my feedly account as I go.

Having a community of like-minded people sure is a wonderful thing!

One blog that I really enjoyed viewing and reading is called “The Inclusive Classroom.” It starts off by giving 10 strategies for teaching different ability levels in the classroom. Nicole Erdicts, creator of the blog says: “begin with the right mind-set. All the students in your class are YOUR students.” I really love that statement. Each student is unique and different and we need to celebrate all our students’ success no matter how big or how small they are. The Inclusive Classroom has FREE resources, keynote speaker session you can arrange and many strategies to help guide you in the right direction.

An overview of all videos developed for Inclusive Learning: Everyone’s In, highlighting the indicators of success in eight schools across Edmonton Public Schools.

Another area I was interested in learning more about is why play has such an important role for our students and how we should view play in our classrooms. I think as educators we think that academics are EVERYTHING, and we forgot to let kids be kids and learn from one another! The blog Classcraft shows us 10 ways students learn through play. I will list them here and if you want to see the descriptions just click the link to go their page.

  • Communication
  • Listening skills
  • Social skills
  • Cognitive skills
  • Physical skills
  • Motivation
  • Spatial ability
  • Predictably
  • Reflection
  • Connecting experiences

I hope that the resources I shared help you in your educational journey. I am always looking for new suggestions! Please send them my way.


Miss Blenkin