• E-Book,  ECS 495,  Teaching Philosophy

    Teaching Philosophy

    Relationships To me, relationships mean everything. They make it easy to attend your job every day – they make or break your career. They reduce your stress levels related to your work. They reduce the need for intervention when it comes to classroom management. They allow your students to learn and for you to learn from them. They also create an ideal classroom environment in which the teacher respects the students and vice versa. The easiest way for a student to learn is through the teacher-student relationship that exists. Without this, for example, students may feel deterred from asking questions, which could lead to misunderstanding of information in my class.…

  • Learning Project,  Week 4

    A String of Bad Luck

    Hello again, It has been one heck of a ride this week. I started and basically hit a wall. I started to recognize that I needed to be working longer on some of the previous skills. I feel like FenderPlay kind of fell short here. Although they do a really good job with the sequence of learning, this felt like I was completely unprepared. I am also impatient and need to pick up things quickly in order to survive.. uh, I mean continue with a skill. Although I am not giving up, I felt like I didn’t get as much quantity this week as the previous weeks, however, I did…

  • EDTC300


    A SUMMARY Hello everyone! Welcome to this week’s blog post. We were prompted to try an educational technology platform and to write a how-to video and how to use the platform in the classroom. I chose Anchor as my ed tech for the purpose of this blog. I decided on Anchor because it seemed the most user-friendly and device-friendly as it is available on both Apple and Android devices and on the computer. Here are some pros and cons to Anchor: PROS CONS Very user-friendly Need a Spotify account but may or may not need to pay for it Can be downloaded on Android, Apple, and the computer Student accessibility…

  • Learning Project,  Week 3

    Strumming Along

    Hello and welcome to another week’s worth of learning compiled into today’s blog! I feel like I learned WAY more this week because I did not have any previous knowledge on these topics. This week, I learned how to warm up my fingers, how to play a Batman theme song riff (small portion of the song), setting good habits, reading chord diagrams and tabs, and how to play a ‘Can’t Get Enough of Your Love Babe’ riff. So, yeah, I got a lot in this week! COURSE 3: WARM UP This course helped with starting “fretting” notes. I learned how to hold my fingers to aid in the spreading of…

  • EDTC300

    Oh, Twit.

    Hi and welcome (or welcome back) to my blog. This week we went venturing into the world of Twitter. I felt extremely confident in my social media and technological skills until I found Twitter again #help Twitter is another social media platform where hashtags actually began and are most useful, especially when attempting to social network with other professionals. Personally, I have never really enjoyed Twitter as a platform because I feel like Facebook does better at allowing me to update people on my life. I got so invested in Facebook, I actually removed Instagram for about a year – this was a good year. I also find that my…

  • EDTC300

    Adding to the Tech Adventure

    This week we got to play around with another way to interact with other educational resources – Feedly. It is a pretty interesting place for finding conversations or resources on specific topics. For me, I was able to follow numerous amounts of ‘Tech Ed’ blogs – I snuck some ‘Math Ed’ ones in there too. Educational Tech & Mobile Learning This is one of the educational tech blogs that I followed during this process. It gave Edulastic as a resource for full lesson plans, however, they are American so please use them accordingly – you will be able to find some connections to the SK curriculum with it. I was…

  • Learning Project,  Week 2

    Easter Bunnies Get Dizzy At Easter

    If you understood the title of this blog post, I assume you have played the guitar at some point in your lifetime. I would love to know if you understand it so make sure to comment below if you do! This week was fairly introductory for me. The Fender Play app is a slow-paced learning app. I feel like I just learned the basics but it is the beginning! I will struggle with not being good at this right away but I am starting to pick up on specific things which is exciting for my ego. As you can see on the screenshots, I did quite a few lessons this…

  • EDTC300,  Learning Project,  Week 1

    Enthusiasm is everything.

    How do you begin something new? What things do you need? Enthusiasm is one thing and personal connection is another. These, of course, are not the only things. This is the beginning of a new experience: learning to play my electric guitar. To preface this, I have owned the electric guitar and equipment for almost 13 months. I have also paid for a mobile app, Fender Play, for the same amount of time. I still have yet to pick it up and learn to play it. The beautiful thing about learning is that nobody can take it away from you. B.B. King I have also grown up with many people…

  • EDTC300,  Intro post

    Gettin’ this party started

    Hello everyone, I am new here. Here as in blogging. “SHE DOESNT EVEN GO HERE” No, for real, I really don’t belong here – yet. I am new to this blogging thing. I haven’t had a lot of time to play around with the site so let’s call it “under construction” for now. SEND HELP. I am kidding. You should become familiar with my sarcasm and silly jokes as you stick around as I pave the way for new knowledge and skills that come with owning a blog. As far as getting to know me – if you haven’t guessed it already, that is under the “About Me” tab at…